Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Othello The Moor Of Venice Essay - 1801 Words

Othello, The Moor of Venice The play by William Shakespeare, Othello, The Moor of Venice, was staged for the first time in 1604, is defined as a tragedy, and Othello as a tragic hero. Othello is a tale of jealousy and revenge. The game takes place in Venice, while two friends, Roderigo and Iago, are discussing. Iago has unlucky news: Desdemona, a woman Roderigo hoping to get married to, has already married Othello, a Moorish General that leads the Republic of Venice Army troops, who married in great secrecy Desdemona; the daughter of Senator Brabantio. The public soon learns that Iago has a personal rejection against Othello: he promoted a young man, Cassio, to be his lieutenant, passing through Iago. The two men decide to go to†¦show more content†¦This does not prevent Iago from attempting to ruin Othello s marriage. Once again he tells the public that he will try to frame Cassio and Desdemona as lovers to make Othello jealous. Cassio goes to Desdemona to ask her to speak to Othello on his behalf. When Othello enters the room, Cassio quickly becomes very guilty. Iago seizes the opportunity to convince Othello that Desdemona is having a relations hip with Cassio, he succeeds, and Othello gets more and more jealous. Iago designs a plan to bring Cassio into the room while Othello is near and says he will confess. Cassio enters with Iago, who has just told him about his lover White. To Othello, it seems that Cassio admits a relationship with Desdemona. For the rest of the drama, Iago created a flow of lies that affected everyone. These lies lead to the deaths of Emilia (wife of Iago) and Roderigo. Othello ends up killing Desdemona out of anger and jealousy, when he learns the truth of her innocence, Iago was discovered and without repentance, he was imprisoned. 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