Saturday, August 22, 2020

Book Summary, Notes, and Study Guide for Frankenstein

Book Summary, Notes, and Study Guide for Frankenstein Frankensteinâ was initially composed by English author, Mary Shelley (1797-1851). Its total title is Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus. It was first distributed secretly in London on January 1, 1818. The subsequent release, under Shelleys name, was distributed in 1823. A thirdâ edition,â which includedâ a prelude by Shelley and tribute to her late husbandâ who suffocated in 1822, was distributed in 1831. The book is a Gothic novelâ andâ has likewise been known as the firstâ science fictionâ novel.â Creator Mary Shelley was conceived in London August 30, 1797. Sheâ developed the account of Frankenstein while on a late spring excursion to Switzerland in 1816â when she was twenty years of age andâ was going with her at that point wedded darling, Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.â The story emerged out of an opposition between herself, Percy Shelley and their associates, Lord Byron and Byrons doctor, John William Polidori, to compose a story about an extraordinary event. Mary at first battled with a thought, yet inevitably, through tuning in to discussions among Percy and Lord Byron about endeavors to restore cadavers, current reports, a fantasy, her creative mind and own background, a story rose. As per Francine Prose, creator of the prologue to another illustratedâ Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus, in the New Republic: One night, despite everything considering Byron’s task and attempting to rest, Mary had a dream in which she saw â€Å"the pale understudy of unhallowed expressions stooping adjacent to the thing he set up. I saw the terrible apparition of a man loosened up, and afterward, on the working of some amazing motor, give indications of life and mix with an uncomfortable, half-indispensable motion.† She lay conscious, attempting to envision a story that would scare the peruser as much as she had been alarmed, at that point understood that she had discovered it. â€Å"What alarmed me will scare others; and I need just portray the apparition which had frequented my 12 PM cushion. On the morrow I reported that I had thought of a story,† and set herself to making â€Å"a transcript of the troubling dread of my waking dream.†  The book, Frankenstein, was finished nearly 12 months after their outing to Switzerland. Soon after theâ trip to Switzerland, Percy Shelleys pregnant spouse ended it all. Mary and Percy wedded before long, in 1818, yet Marys life was set apart by death and catastrophe. Marys relative ended it all not long after the excursion to Switzerland, and Mary and Percy had three youngsters who passed on in earliest stages before Percy Florence was conceived in 1819.â Setting The story starts in the frosty northern waters where a commander is heading out toward the North Pole. Occasions happen all through Europe, in Scotland, England, and Switzerland. Characters Victor Frankenstein: The Swiss scientific expert who makes the beast. Robert Walton: The ocean skipper who salvages Victor from the ice. The Monster: The terrible making of Frankenstein, who scans for friendship and love all through the story. William: Victors sibling. The beast murders William to rebuff Victor and makes way for more catastrophe and torment for Victor. Justine Moritz: Adopted and cherished by the Frankenstein family, Justine was indicted and executed for slaughtering William. Plot Saved by the ocean skipper, Frankenstein transfers occasions that start as he sorts out a man utilizing old body parts. When he figures out how to make the shocking being, be that as it may, Frankenstein laments his activity promptly and escapes his home. At the point when he returns, he finds the beast is no more. Not long after, Frankenstein hears that his sibling has been killed. A progression of terrible occasions follow as the beast scans for loveâ and Frankenstein endures the outcomes of his indecent demonstration. Structure The epic is a casing story with a three-section structure. The Creatures story is the center of the novel, which is introduced to us surrounded by Victor Frankensteins story, which thus is encircled by Robert Waltons account. Potential Themes This book raises many convincing subjects and interesting inquiries and is as significant today as it was 200 years back. The quest for adoration mirrors a solid topic in Shelleys own life. The beast realizes he is terrible and will never be cherished, despite the fact that he endeavors to discover love a few times. He is continually dismissed and disillusioned. Frankenstein, himself, scans for satisfaction through adoration, yet he meets with the disastrous loss of a few loves. Mary Shelley was the little girl of Mary Wollstonecraft, who was an early feminist. Tragic, frail, ladies are depicted in the story Frankenstein really starts to make a second female beast, to give friendship to his own first creation, yet he at that point decimates it and dumps the remaining parts in a lake; Frankensteins spouse bites the dust sadly, as does the denounced Justine-however is this since Shelley really accepts ladies are feeble or does their enslavement and nonattendance send an alternate message? Maybe it is on the grounds that female self-rule and force are seen as a danger to the male characters. Without the nearness and impact of ladies, everything that is essential to Frankenstein is wrecked at long last. The epic additionally addresses theâ nature of good and underhandedness, what it meansâ to be humanâ and toâ live morally.  It confronts us with ourâ existential fearsâ andâ explores the limit among life and passing. It causes usâ to consider the cutoff points andâ responsibilities of scientistsâ and logical request, and to consider what it meansâ to play God, tending to human feeling and hubris. Assets and Further Reading How Frankensteins Monster Became Human, The New Republic,â became-human Its Alive! The Birth of Frankenstein, National Geographic, exploration and-history/magazine/2017/07-08/birth_of_Frankenstein_Mary_Shelley/ Giant and Feminism in Frankenstein, Electrastreet, and-woman's rights in-frankenstein/

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Cause and Effect Essay Topics, Samples, Tips

Cause and Effect Essay Topics, Samples, Tips When you get a Cause and Effect Essay as home assignment, what do you feel? You are lucky if you love to write just anything about anything. But what if you are just an ordinary student, probably, there will be many doubts of how to formulate those easy cause and effect essay topics. Let us suppose you have found some of them over the web, though then, you shall be wondering how much they correspond with this essay category. The list of doubts may be endless. Cause and Effect Essay Meaning We hope to be helpful for you to go through this task with minimum losses of time, nerves and your score. Before checking the topics though, let us check, what a cause and effect essay is, especially let us have a look at its structure and ideas. Here, we have some good news for you: writing a proper essay isn’t so difficult as it seems at first sight. Just follow the structure, and you are there! Though, when you check details, and it is normally about details when we speak about perfection, then you will notice that you may need some useful tips and even examples to get out. Why Strong Essay? Why you might want a strong essay? â€" yep, somebody may still ask that. But we don’t ask that kind of questions, as we understand your reasons very well. A strong essay can be the only chance to get a higher score, to have a test passed, or a way not to lose the score that you have almost guaranteed, if not this paper. Exactly this good essay can become just a part of a chain consisting of strong essays. Nobody wants to spoil all study results just because of one essay. These are though just the short-time effects. The long-time effects could be even such as being accepted in a college of your dream, and a successful career in future. Hence, you know what a strong essay can bring you. Then, why not find out which topic is really yours? Essay What One Shall Write About? You definitely will not find valuable ideas for cause and effect essay topics just anywhere. You will come across thousands of sources and endless topic lists. Though, they aren’t always helpful as you have to select your topics, the topic, which will bring your writing to the top level, which will show all your writing potential. Let us think then, what topic could do that. Normally, people write well about something that is interesting personally for them, that is up-to-date and that somehow worries them. Hence, you will do the right thing if you select the ideas that express your mind, the condition of your soul. If you have selected several topics, that’s ok as well, just note them. Ok then, finally, some topics are chosen, those, among which you may find the best cause and effect essay topics. Then, the next step is to find out about which topic your inner writer wants to write. Just write. First of all, try one topic. Check how it goes, how you feel. If it is too stressful, if you squeeze out your ideas, leave it. Try another topic. Review the topics once more and stop by the one about which the writing flow is free. After determining, which topic responds to your soul condition, outline the plan for your paper. Here, there is nothing special or unusual, all is about following some usual pattern: Introduction. Make your reader understand, why among all interesting cause and effect essay topics exactly this one spoke to the depth of your soul. Problem definition. Define the problem that shall be discussed in your assignment. Be short and clear, as the reader likes to understand all without making excessive efforts. Problem background.Details and again, those little details. Among all good topics for cause and effect essay, you selected the most appropriate one. Reader still doesn’t know it? Then, explain it! Effects. Hmm, that is already clear, isn’t it? Conclusions. Conclusions, as it usually goes. One thing though: be precise. Your Topic is Important You understand that your topic is a special one, among all those good topics for cause and effect essay. Your topic is important, it is something meaningful for you, only then you will make it important for others. Where to Check Topic Samples No need to search through waste lists of topics for a cause and effect essay, just concentrate on those that can really bring your essay to a success, just check our website. Doesn’t matter if you study sociology, or politics, or any other specialization, by us, you for sure will find something that will touch you. The next step is just to find the one that touches the soul. Moreover, we have not just selected the most frequently met cause and effect essay example topics, we thought, you maybe will want to have a quick look at samples, written in different writing manners. Just have a look at those sample cause and effect essay topics, or maybe you prefer checking the essays published in our website? Just check how people write, the structure, pick up those special signals to connect the paper parts or just get a general idea. Or maybe you will have a wish see how others write and based on this, you will shape something unique? We just have defined the main points. Though it depends just on you know how to use the mentioned ideas to create interesting cause and effect essay topics, to formulate them into something unique, that expresses the essence of the idea. We understand as well, that nobody can foresee everything. You may not come across anything useful, despite of the wide range of cause and effect essay ideas topics offered by us. We still want to be helpful. We defined some advice, that you can use to write a perfect essay. Select the topic close to you; Be precise in formulations; Write in simple though correct language; Do not allow deviations from the topic; Clearness and simplicity â€" we better call those the key words of the success of your paper. Conclusion A perfect essay is not just about skills and writing experience. Find the topic, outline how the paper shall look and just go for it, the best essay!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Business Ethics And The Ethical Issues - 1461 Words

Business ethics and the ethical issues in marketing Moral principles that guide the way a business behaves are known as business ethics. However this term has a broader definition. As the word ethics can pose many definitions in a broad context and it can be challenging to find a common understanding of the term, hence, most companies denote the concept of the term ethics as responsible business conduct, business practices or integrity. Business ethics offers a tool for conducting business more effectively and productively (Heiskanen, 2011). Once an individual have understood the basic definition of business ethics, the next step is to understand the definition of ethics. Simply put, ethics involves distinguishing between what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing; however the right thing is not easy to define in business ethics literature. The majority of ethical dilemmas in the office or workplace are not just a matter of Should Peter steal from Jose? or Should Jose lie to his boss?† Developing ethical beliefs are considered by various philosophers to be state of the art legal matters, for example; what develop into an ethical guideline nowadays is habitually converted to a law, rule or regulation tomorrow. Values, which guide how individuals ought to behave, are considered moral values, e.g., values such as respect, honesty, justice, equality, etc. Statements about how these values are applied are sometimes called ethical principles or moral. TheShow MoreRelatedBusiness Ethics : Ethical And Ethical Issues843 Words   |  4 Pages Business ethics is very important. Business ethics examines the moral and ethical issues that arise in a business enviroment. Ethical communication on the other hand allows the business to be honest with the customer. A business should not withhold information in order to sell a product. A great article that discusses ethical communication is About Ethical Communication in Business by Scott Thompson. This article discusses the advantages of ethics, honest communic ation, code of ethics, aspectsRead MoreBusiness Ethics : Ethical And Ethical Issues1737 Words   |  7 PagesBusiness ethics examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. Business ethics often encompasses many concerns such social responsibility, sustainability, labour practices and environmental development. Business ethics as a concept fundamentally applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the behavior of individuals and entire organizations. Desjardins (2011) suggests that business ethics is the study of business from an ethical viewpointRead MoreEthical Issues Of Business Ethics1369 Words   |  6 PagesThe word ‘Ethics’ is derived from the Greek word ‘ethos’ (character) and Latin word ‘moras’ (customs) (Senaratne, 2011). Ethics is usually based around a decision one makes to help us identify what is good and what is bad as well as guiding us on doing well and avoidin g the bad. What’s more, ethics are like a code of conduct asserting moral guidelines, prevailing good behaviour. It’s also about relationships and how we treat others. There are many underlying ethical issues arising for instance,Read MoreBusiness Ethics : Ethical And Ethical Issues1360 Words   |  6 Pages INTRODUCTION: Business ethics can be defined as the set of moral values and codes or standards of conduct in an organization. According to Wikipedia – â€Å"Business ethics (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.† The particulars and specifics of theRead MoreEthical And Ethical Issues Of Business Ethics1612 Words   |  7 PagesThe work of setting a positive ethical climate starts at the top of the organization as positive ethical attitudes filter down to employees. Ferrell et al. (2015) states, â€Å"the more employees perceive an organization’s ethical culture to be the less likely they are to make unethical decisions† (p.134). Business ethics is not only about knowing what is right and wrong, or doing the right thing, ethics involves acting with responsibility, being objective when making decisions, putting honesty in allRead MoreBusiness Ethics And Law : Legal And Ethical Issues1213 Words   |  5 PagesLegal and Ethical Issues in Business Business ethics and law are fundamental principles that guide the way businesses operate. Business ethics are decided and formed by each company and differ from one company to another. They are the core values that business owners, managers, and employees use to conduct their daily operations. Acting in an ethical way consists of distinguishing between right and wrong and choosing what is right. Business law is all rules and regulations that all businesses shouldRead MoreInternational Business Ethics And Ethical Issues Within International Organizations1113 Words   |  5 Pagesinternational business encourage firms and organisations to become socially responsible and ethical global citizens? What I am here to tell you today is that with the correct organisational procedures, internationally renowned businesses are able to become socially responsible and ethically recognised. However when international organisations have unseemly and immoral behavioural standards, generating ethical global citizens is out of the question. Today international business ethics have a numberRead MoreThe Five Business Ethics Myths Essay879 Words   |  4 PagesCommon Ethics Misconceptions Trevino Brown (2004) in Academy of Management Executives talked about the five business ethics myths. 1. It is easy to be ethical 2. Unethical behavior in business results from bad people 3. A formal code of ethics is the easiest way to manage them 4. Principled leadership revolves around your leaders 5. At one time, people appeared to be more ethical Pundits and business leaders say being ethical is straightforward when being ethical is complexRead MoreEthics in the Workplace1201 Words   |  5 PagesEthics in the Workplace Classical and Contemporary Ethical Philosophies Ethical philosophies served as guide for people in the workplace to make moral decisions in conducting business. There are classical normative ethical philosophies as well as contemporary ethical philosophies being used. They have been applied in the different levels or dimensions of the business organizations. People do know that there are business organizations that have disregarded ethical standards and encounters ethicalRead MoreEssay on Emerging Business Ethics Issues914 Words   |  4 PagesStakeholders play a major role in the business arena, they are charged with the responsibility of ensuring their organization is a safe environment not only for themselves but for their employees. In a seemingly competitive and morally flawed world, business people and entrepreneurs are often presented with grave ethical challenges. For this reason their personal values and beliefs play a pivotal role in the success of the organization. When concealing doubts about the ethics of others, more than a few tend

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Othello The Moor Of Venice Essay - 1801 Words

Othello, The Moor of Venice The play by William Shakespeare, Othello, The Moor of Venice, was staged for the first time in 1604, is defined as a tragedy, and Othello as a tragic hero. Othello is a tale of jealousy and revenge. The game takes place in Venice, while two friends, Roderigo and Iago, are discussing. Iago has unlucky news: Desdemona, a woman Roderigo hoping to get married to, has already married Othello, a Moorish General that leads the Republic of Venice Army troops, who married in great secrecy Desdemona; the daughter of Senator Brabantio. The public soon learns that Iago has a personal rejection against Othello: he promoted a young man, Cassio, to be his lieutenant, passing through Iago. The two men decide to go to†¦show more content†¦This does not prevent Iago from attempting to ruin Othello s marriage. Once again he tells the public that he will try to frame Cassio and Desdemona as lovers to make Othello jealous. Cassio goes to Desdemona to ask her to speak to Othello on his behalf. When Othello enters the room, Cassio quickly becomes very guilty. Iago seizes the opportunity to convince Othello that Desdemona is having a relations hip with Cassio, he succeeds, and Othello gets more and more jealous. Iago designs a plan to bring Cassio into the room while Othello is near and says he will confess. Cassio enters with Iago, who has just told him about his lover White. To Othello, it seems that Cassio admits a relationship with Desdemona. For the rest of the drama, Iago created a flow of lies that affected everyone. These lies lead to the deaths of Emilia (wife of Iago) and Roderigo. Othello ends up killing Desdemona out of anger and jealousy, when he learns the truth of her innocence, Iago was discovered and without repentance, he was imprisoned. Aristotle’s definition of tragedy is: â€Å"Tragedy is an imitation of an amplitude; in language enhanced by distinct and varying beauties; acted not narrated; by means of pity and fear effecting its purgation of these emotions† (Kennedy Gioia, 2016, p.858). He also defines tragic hero as the protagonist, or chief character of a tragedy, is a person of high state, a king or aShow MoreRelatedOthello The Moor Of Venice Essay1983 Words   |  8 Pages Othello, the Moor of Venice The story of Othello, the Moor of Venice was written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare got the idea of Othello from a writer by the name of Giraldi Cinthio. The original story, was entitled,† Of Unfaithfulness of Husbands and Wives.† In the original story Disdemona wasRead More Othe llo, The Moor of Venice Essay examples1319 Words   |  6 PagesOthello, the Moor of Venice is one of the major tragedies written by William Shakespeare that follows the main character, Othello through his trials and tribulations. Othello, the Moor of Venice is similar to William Shakespeare’s other tragedies and follows a set of specific rules of drama. The requirements include, following the definition of a tragedy, definition of tragic hero, containing a reversal of fortune, and a descent from happiness. William Shakespeare fulfills Aristotle’s requirementsRead MoreThe Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice Essay1142 Words   |  5 Pagesscholars, but also appears on modern historical events and newspaper as well. Playwright and poetry are an art that appeals to the conscious mind, but the best classical playwright such as Othello not only appeals to conscious mind, but also to the subconscious mind. â€Å"The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice,† wri tten by William Shakespeare from the sixteenth century is a tragic love play, and it is an excellent example of â€Å"Renaissance humanism,† said Paul A. Jorgensen, author of the Twayne PublishersRead MoreDeath and Everyman640 Words   |  3 Pages(about 5–7-pages) essay that addresses one of the plays from the Drama Unit. A minimum of six citations, including the primary source and at least five secondary scholarly sources, is required for this assignment. Before you begin writing the essay, carefully read the guidelines for developing your paper topic that are given below. Review the research paper Grading Rubric to see how your submission will be graded. Gather all of your information, plan the direction of your essay, and organize yourRead MoreEssay Tragic Hero643 Words   |  3 Pages(about 5–7-pages) essay that addresses one of the plays from the Drama Unit.   A minimum of six citations, including the primary source and at least five secondary sch olarly sources, is required for this assignment.   Before you begin writing the essay, carefully read the guidelines for developing your paper topic that are given below.   Review the research paper Grading Rubric to see how your submission will be graded. Gather all of your information, plan the direction of your essay, and organize yourRead More Human Frailty in Othello Essay1544 Words   |  7 PagesHuman Frailty in Othello   Ã‚  Ã‚   Tragedy is an intrinsically human concept; tragic heroes are damned by what they themselves do. Othello is not so much felled by the actions of Iago, but by a quality all people possess-- human frailty. Accordingly, Othello is not a victim of consequences, but an active participant in his downfall. He is not merely a vehicle for the machinations of Iago; he had free agency. Othellos deficiencies are: an insecure grasp of Venetian social values; lack of criticalRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello - Power Of Words870 Words   |  4 PagesIn this essay the power of words in Orthello will be discussed looking at words as power, words as characters and words as conversation with the audience. First looking at words as power. From the beginning of the play we see what influence words have on the characters in the play, power of words can be positive or negative. The famous saying, The pen is mightier than the sword† which means that with words and brains, it can become a greater weapon than a sword. If such a person was to have thisRead MoreThe True Nature Of Shakespeares Characters In Othello1546 Words   |  7 PagesThe True Nature of William Shakespeare’s Characters in â€Å"Othello† Ever since it’s creation over four centuries ago, William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy â€Å"Othello†, has reigned as one of the greatest play’s of all time. Being widely studied and analyzed, there should be no question as to why this piece has remained so relevant, even within the twisting and turbulent times of the 20th century and beyond. With copious amounts of today’s youth becoming caught and obsessed with the virtual life of socialRead More Character Analysis of Othello Essay1653 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of Othello â€Å"Othello† is a tragedy and Othello is a tragic hero. Othello is a general in the service of Venice. He is good, courageous, brave and trustworthy. However he has some weaknesses such as insecurity; he is too open, naà ¯ve, and gullible, Iago plays on his weaknesses which brings about his downfall and he kills himself. This causes the suffering of innocent people like Desdemona, Emilia, Cassio and Roderigo. The audience also feel pity for Othello and thisRead MoreIago : The Master Manipulator1194 Words   |  5 PagesSkyler Lester ENG3UE Tipping December 12, 2015 Iago: The Master Manipulator Iago is known as one of the most well known characters in Shakespeare s Othello because of his interesting colourful dialogue, his unknown goals and motivations, and his ability to brainwash with words. It is certain that Iago has the ability to use his silver tongue to brainwash even the highest minds, but what is more important is the fact that he chooses to do this to benefit himself, and himself only. Iago is a classic

Passing Places and Trainspotting Free Essays

Passing Places and Transporting. They play I am analyzing Is Passing Places, by Stephen Greenhorn. It is a Scottish play from 1998 which Is set In Motherly. We will write a custom essay sample on Passing Places and Trainspotting or any similar topic only for you Order Now Alongside with this, I will also analyses the movie ‘Transporting’, a movie directed by Danny Bayle based on the novel ‘Transporting’ by Irvine Welsh. First I will focus on the mall characters In the several works and analyses their development throughout the play and the movie. Afterwards I will compare the play and film, and how they each depict Scotland. In the Scottish play Passing Places, the main characters are the two boys Alex and Brian. Of those two characters, Alex is the one who develops most during the play. In the beginning he is aggressive, angry and tough, and has nothing but hate towards his home-town Motherly: ALEX: Look at this place. Nothing but shoe shops and burger bars. BRIAN: I’m starving. . It shows his feeling of disenchantment with his home-town, but also with his life. It feels Like he needs to leave Motherly, In order to discover what life really Is. HIS life Is full of emptiness, the only relationship he has Is with Brian. Even his relationship with his mum Is poor: ALEX: No. Look. I Just need to go away for a while. Trust me. MUM: About as far as I could throw you. Throughout he changes in a better way. He learns to relax and discovers the better sides of Scotland. He has achieved some kind of tranquility, which perhaps is a result of his meeting with Mirror. Brian is Ale’s best friend. He is more clever than Alex, more sensible and more aware of the â€Å"other side† of Scotland. He has a big knowledge of Scotland and is not afraid to bombard Alex with facts during their ride through Scotland. Just as Alex, he is also seeking something besides the walls of Motherly. He knows that there are better things, and uses the stolen surfboard as n excuse to run away from Motherly. On their trip, he meets people who are Just like him. At first It’s Loan, but later It’s particularly Frank the Shaper, who makes him realism that there are others like him. They have created a computer program, but also a whole way of life that gives Brian the satisfaction he has been searching for. Bran wants to do the same thing. In the film ‘Transporting’, the main character is a young heroin addict living in Elite, called Mark Rent. He has a serious drug habit, and resort to shoplifting and petty theft due to his unemployment: RENT: Choose your future. Choose life†¦ But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin? 3 Mark actually goes to Aberdeen university before the narrative begin, but dropped out and really hit the drugs when his disabled brother dies In hospital. As a person he Is very dreamy, troubled, sharp, and as a viewer you never know where you are with him – he never knows where he Is himself. He actually managed to get rid of his heroin addicted, moved to London to start a new life and doing business. But with his old friends. Therefore, he ends pop getting involved in a drug deal and sells 4 kilos of heroin. He then escapes with the money from his â€Å"friends†, which Just shows that he has changed into a better person and has decided to choose life, instead of living in the fast lane. Both works describes the dark sides of Scotland in the beginning, only to end it up by giving the reader/viewer a good impression of Scotland. All three of them aren’t really proud of being Scottish when the narrative starts: Mark Rent: It’s Shiite being Scottish. We’re the lowest of the low! The scum of the bucking earth! 4 Mark expresses clearly that he isn’t proud of being Scottish. If you look at Alex and Brian, their way of talking and living can be seen as a result of the town they have been brought pop to. They are, to a certain point, unconcerned about everything. It is clearly illustrated in scene 29: ALEX: I can’t. I can think it but I can’t say it. It’s Just It’s not part of my language, alright? 5 Alex can’t say the word beautiful because during his adolescence in Motherly, he hasn’t seen any signs of beauty. The director uses, especially Alex, to criticism the modern big cities. The brings up the contrast of beauty in the landscape and ugliness in the towns. ‘Transporting’ shows some of the same things, UT of course brings up the problem of the rising usage of drugs in Scotland, mainly in the larger cities. In the film and play alike, the main characters go through a positive development. They go from being troubled and disturbed in the big cities of Scotland, to better human beings when they leave their home-towns. Both the feeling of being Scottish and the Scottish society are criticized. As a reader, you get the impression that the Scottish society is filled with improper practices and an ascending drug abuse. In order to discover the beauty of Scotland or to live life, you have to move to landscapes or even another country. How to cite Passing Places and Trainspotting, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Other Danger Monologue Essay Example For Students

The Other Danger Monologue Essay A monologue from the play by Maurice Donnay NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Three Modern Plays from the French. Ed. Barrett H. Clark. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1914. CLAIRE: Ah! You would not speak that way if you had seen her; if, like me, you had held her in your arms a miserable child, white and trembling; if, like me, you had read in her anxious eyes the terror of my fault and the shame of her besmirched love! You would understand how I have not had the couragethe barbarityto tell her the cruel truth. Yes, I have promised her everything; I have pledged my sacred word, because, above and beyond the truth, there is her purityher tender youth; because, above everything, there is pity. And since you speak of crime, the real crime would have been to smite, perhaps fatally, an innocent childdo you understand, innocent? If you don\t think so, tell Madeleine yourself your resolution; tell her you are going away, and that you will not return. If you have decided that that is your duty, assume all the responsibility of it with her, and spare me, at least, the torture of a new explanation with my child. Besides, I could notI have no more strength. I am going to have her called, and you will speak to her. We will write a custom essay on The Other Danger Monologue specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now