Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Pharmacotherapy for Clients Dependent on a Substance Essay

Medications approved by the FDA for treatment of alcohol and opioid dependence, including acamprosate, disulfiram, naltrexone, methadone, and buprenorphine, have not been widely studied in the dually diagnosed population. Often, study participation criteria exclude individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders and mental illness, and it is only in recent years that research specifically focused on this population has become more common. Pharmacotherapy has also been underutilized in practice. A survey of 955 bipolar individuals found that while 8% met criteria for a current alcohol use disorder and 5% met criteria for a current non-alcohol substance use disorder, only 0.4% received disulfiram, methadone, naltrexone, and/or†¦show more content†¦There is a dearth of research on the use of acamprosate in the collective dually diagnosed population, attributable perhaps to its relatively recent approval in 2004. There is, however, evidence supporting the use of disulfiram and naltrexone. In a landmark study, Croop et al. (1997) found naltrexone to be safe among 865 clients. Although this study did not specifically focus on dually diagnosed clients, such clients were common in both the treatment and placebo groups, so the research is clinically relevant. A later review of 72 clients receiving naltrexone for alcoholism showed good treatment retention (81.9% completed the 8 week study) and good clinical response (82% reduced drinking by at least 75% and only 17% relapsed at 8 weeks) (Maxwell Shinderman, 2000). In a later placebo-controlled study of 254 outpatient clients with diverse psychiatric disorders and co-occurring alcohol dependence, Petrakis and colleagues (2005) found that use of disulfiram or naltrexone was associated with a significant reduction in drinking days per week, and an increase in consecutive days of abstinence, compared to placebo. Clients were randomly assigned to receive (open-label) disulfiram and (blinded) naltrexone, naltre xone only, disulfiram only, or placebo only. In this multisite, placebo-controlled study of VA clients, thereShow MoreRelatedAlcohol And Drug Abuse Are Not New Themes1525 Words   |  7 Pagesit can become a problem†(Substance Dependency, n.d., Para 1). Drinking alcohol is like playing a game of reality versus fantasy, the more alcohol is digested, and the closer a person gets to a fantasy theme. â€Å"Drug use in America is also more commonplace than it once was. In today s teenage population over 90 percent have used alcohol. Over 50 percent have used marijuana, 17 percent admit to trying cocaine and 12.5 percent have used some form of hallucinogen†(Substance Dependency, n.d., Para 1)Read MoreThe Between Opiates And Opioids1692 Words   |  7 Pageswithdrawal the client might experience drug craving, pain, nausea, tremors, restlessness, irritability, anorexia, and severe depression. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Dells Supply Chain Management - 2081 Words

Direct Sales and Build-to-Order Model: Dell’s computers, workstations, and servers are built-to-order and none are produced for inventory purposes which clearly cuts Dell’s cost on inventory. Dell customers could order through their website or even via phone, custom-made servers and workstations based on the needs of their applications. For desktop and laptop, customers are able to order whatever configuration of microprocessor speed, random access memory (RAM), hard-disk capacity, CD-ROM drive, fax/modem, monitor size, speakers, and other accessories they favored. The orders will then be directed to the nearest factory. Dell has proven to be successful in minimizing inventory and bringing new products in the market quickly enabling them†¦show more content†¦In Dell’s website, there is also an interface called the ‘premier page’ for corporate customers to facilitate B2B or Business to Business sales and to separate them from the personal use customers. The interface is designed for purchasing manager or whoever is in charge to log on and place an order. This interface is also customized according to the company’s needs. The bullwhip effect is also being reduced as a result of Dell’s direct sales model. Dell contracts special web pages for suppliers, allowing them to view orders for components they produce when a customer orders them through Dell’s website. This will give suppliers the advantage and the possibility to plan based on customers demand. This also allows Dell to achieve substantial unit cost advantage. Dell is able to minimize rapid depreciation and inventory write-off costs by its direct sales model. Through Dell’s direct sales model, Dell is able to collect payment in 5 days on average after a product is being sold. However, Dell still continues to pay their supplier according to the traditional billing schedule as when it comes to money, the traditional way of billing, invoici ng and etc is still preferable. Inventory is low and is negative in Dell’s working capital, thus, making able for Dell to concentrate on increasing its performance. Q3. What are the main disadvantages of Dell’s direct sales model? The most remarkable thing about Dell is its direct sales model. AShow MoreRelatedDells Supply Chain Management1882 Words   |  8 PagesDell’s Supply Chain Management      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The term supply chain management (SCM) was initially used in wholesaling and retailing to denote the integration of logistics and physical distribution functions with the goal of reducing delivery lead times. Manufacturers and service providers have used the same term to describe integration and partnership efforts with first- and second- tier suppliers to reduce cost and improve quality and delivery timing. Terms such as integrated purchasing strategyRead MoreRelationship Management Strategies in Dells Supply Chain5443 Words   |  22 Pagesusing the multinational corporation Dell, Inc, existing and suggested Relationship Management Strategies applied to both Upstream and Downstream members of a supply chain. It also examines and gives an analysis of, using several diagrams, tables and models, Dell’s product range – and the customers who buy them. This paper also examines several Key Issues associated with maintaining positive relationships with supply chain members, and how they may be worked out, besides providing an in-depth analysisRead MoreIntroduction to Supply Chain Management System: Dell Computer Corporation1451 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM) System Supply chain management (SCM) is the combination of activities which help a company to improve the methods to make a product or service and deliver it to customers. (Larson, 2004) SCM encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management activities. More importantly, it includes coordination and collaboration with other people who are associated with the business likeRead MoreHow Does Dell Manage Inventory Within Its Supply Chain? Essay1445 Words   |  6 PagesHow does Dell manage inventory within its supply chain? Supply chain consist of the series of activities that controls the flow of materials and information through operations to the end-user (Greasley 2013). There is also a people element to the supply chain – customers and employees (Elliott 2016). As materials are an integral part of the supply chain, inventory management is part of the supply chain management. Inventory management can be defined as the process of efficiently overseeing the constantRead MoreDell Value Chain1717 Words   |  7 PagesVALUE ADDED CHAIN IN DELL SUBMITTED BY: SIDDHARTHA DAS ROLL NO: 32 BATCH: PGDM (FM) 2010-12 SUBJECT: Project and Infrastructure Management: Financing, Implementation and Control Table of Contents Sl.No. | Description | Page No. | 1 | VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS | 3 | 2 | VALUE CHAIN IN DELL | 4 | 3 | DIRECT SELLING STRATEGY OF DELL | 5 | 4 | COMPONENTS OF DIRECT SELLING STRATEGY | 6 | 5 | ADVANTAGES OF VALUE CHAIN OF DELL | 8 | 5.1 | CONCLUSION | 9 | CHAPTER-1 What is ValueRead MoreDell’s Competitive Advantage:1038 Words   |  5 PagesDell’s Competitive Advantage Dell is officially the No. 1 computer systems company in the world. Dell is able to sustain a competitive advantage over competitors in the computer industry because of an extremely efficient supply chain/distribution system. 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With new business models prevailing, Ford did notRead Moredell supply chain managment1676 Words   |  7 PagesCourse: Supply Chain Management (SCM) Assignment One – Singular Unit Supply Chain Management Subject HOW DELL IS MANAGING ITS SUPPLY CHAIN Writer Bassam Badran IV Date of delivery 10-10-2012 Due date (submittal) 10-11-2012 Grade 20% References Compiled from several articles in Business Week (1997 through 2001); cio.com (2001); dell.com, accessed March 27, 2003; Hagel (2002). 1. Principals and Reasons In this project you would understand the concept of managing the supply chain in DellRead MoreDell Supply Chain Managment2938 Words   |  12 PagesSupply Chain Management Term Paper On INVENTORY DECISIONS IN DELL’S SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Submitted to Dr. P.R.S SHARMA Gitam School of International Business Submitted by UKR PRASANTH BABU.K 1226111138 (IB) SECTION-A INVENTORY DECISIONS IN DELL’S SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dell is the largest computer-systems company based on estimates of global market share. It is also the fastest growing of the major computer-systems companies competing in the businessRead More Ford Motor Company Supply Chain Strategy Essay1397 Words   |  6 PagesFord Motor Company Supply Chain Strategy Background In 1913, Henry Ford revolutionized product manufacturing by introducing the first assembly line to the automotive industry. Ford’s hallmark of achievement proved to be a key competence for the motor company as the low cost of the Model T attracted a broader, new range of prospective car-owners. However, after many decades of success, customers have become harder to find. Due to relatively new threats to the industry, increasing numbers of

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Business Financial Metrics Free Essays

A business metric is also known as a financial ratio or performance indicator. Financial ratios lift the veil on a firm’s operating prowess, telling investors how the company navigates the doldrums of a bad company. There are four common types of performance indicators in modern-day financial analysis: Liquidity, Efficiency, Profitability, and Safety. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Financial Metrics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Liquidity Ratios Working Capital Formula: Total Current Assets – Total Current Liabilities The working capital metric is a measure of both a company’s efficiency and its short term financial health. Positive working capital means that the company is able to pay off its short-term liabilities. Negative working capital means that a company currently is unable to meet its short-term liabilities with its current assets. Current Ratio Formula: Total Current Assets / Total Current Liabilities Generally this metric measures the overall liquidity position of a company. It is certainly not a perfect barometer, but good enough. Watch for big decreases in this number over time. Make sure the accounts listed in current assets are collectible. Quick Ratio Formula: (Cash – Accounts Receivable) / Total Current Liabilities This is another good indicator of liquidity although by itself, it is not a perfect one. If there are receivable accounts included in the numerator, they should be collectible. Look at the length of time the company has to pay the amount listed in the denominator. Inventory Days Formula: (Inventory / COGS) * 365 Inventory days show how much inventory (in days) is on hand. It indicates how quick a company can respond to market and/or product changes. Not all companies have inventory for the metric. Accounts Receivable Days Formula: (Account Receivable / Sales) * 365 Accounts Receivable shows how much inventory (in days) is on hand. It indicates how quick a company responds to market and/or product can change. Not all companies have inventory for the metric. Accounts Payable Days Formula: (Accounts Payable / COGS) * 365 Accounts Payable shows the average number of days that lapse between the purchase of material and labor, and payment of them. It is a rough measure of how timely a company is in meeting payment obligations. Profits and Profits Margins Gross Profit Margin Formula: (Sale – COGS) / Sales The financial metric that uses a firm’s financial health by revealing the proportion of money left over from revenues after accounting for the cost of goods sold. Gross profit margin serves as the source for paying additional expenses and future savings. Net Profit Margin Formula: (Adjusted Net Profit before Taxes / Sales) Net profit is one of the more important barometers that we look at. It measures how many cents of profit the company is generating for every dollar is sells. Track it carefully against industry competitors. This is a very important number in preparing forecasts. Advertising to Sales Formula: Advertising Expense / Sale Advertising to Sale shows advertising expense for the company as percentage of sales. Borrowing Ratios Interest Coverage Ratio EBITDA / Interest Expense This ratio measures a company’s ability to service debt payments from operating cash flow (EBITDA). An increase ratio is a good indicator of improving credit quality. Debt-to-Equity Ratio Formula: Total Liabilities / Total Equity This balance sheet leverage ratio indicates the composition of a company’s total capitalization. The balance between money or assets owed versus the money or assets owned. Generally, creditors prefer a lower ratio to decrease financial risk while investors prefer a higher ratio to realize the return benefits of financial leverage. Debt Leverage Ratio Formula: Total Liabilities / EBITDA This ratio measures a company’s ability to repay debt obligations from annualized operation cash flow (EBITDA). Assets Ratios Return on Equity Formula: Net Income / Total Equity This measure show how much profit is being returned on the shareholders equity each year. It is a vital statistic from the perspective of equity holders in a company. Return on Assets Formula: Net Income / Total Assets This calculation measure the company’s ability to use its assets to create profits. Return on assets indicates how many cents of profit each dollar of asset is producing per year. It is quite important since managers can only be evaluated by looking at how they use the assets available. Business owners and managers continually monitor the performance of their companies, always looking for opportunities to improve and challenges to overcome. A number of important metrics of business performance management provide insight into how a company performs in a range of areas, including marketing effectiveness, financial management and operational efficiency. Keeping on top of these metrics can help your company to operate at its best. Reference Page http://www. mrdashboard. com/FinancialRatios. html http://www. solutionmatrix. com/financial-metrics. html www. ehow. com/info_7753305_business-metrics. html http://cfowise. com/solution/financial-ratios How to cite Business Financial Metrics, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

International Human Resource for Globalization -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInternational Human Resource Managementfor Globalization. Answer: Introduction The emergence of the concept of globalization and liberalization enhanced the significance of the and also became the reason for opening MNCs (Al Ariss Sidani, 2016). The term multinational corporation has been concerned with the execution of the operations and all the functionalities on the global level. The multinational corporations have a diversified range of working environment with numerous dimensions. The multinationals are utilizing contemporary means for developing distinct identity in the market. This all has initiated the global and economic business which has made some effective and positive developments with time. Managing the human resource has been considered as an integral task for the business entity so as to sustain development on global grounds (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The profit margins can be high on a global level, whereas, if the same went wrong then this can have some adverse effects over the organization. Due to the intensification in the competitive environment it has become mandatory to keep all the available resources intact and this will aid the entity in managing the core operations properly. Amongst all the resources the human resource is the most precious and managing the same will offer number of profitable grounds to the business. There are numbers of issues which are facedby the HR managers and also affect the growth of the organization. The report further comprises of the key trends and challenges which are confronted by the business entities in the global environment (Bhatti Ahsan, 2016). The main objective of the presented report is the execution of the analysis of the current trends and issues faced while managing human resource on global grounds. Further the impacts of the same on the business are also discussed. Recommendation for bringing improvements and due to this the HR manager will be able to sustain the growth and development of the business corporation. Trends and challenges faced by MNCs The truth of the matter is genuine that the world is currently all the more transforming into a global business which drives monetary development for the nations all over the globe. There are numerous of trends which are continually noted in the ranges like, innovation, training, employees, economies, and communication and so on (Brewster et al., 2016). This all leads to the development of international business prompts high level of financial change and a developing number of members in the business. Likewise, unpredictability and vulnerability expanded with the impact. Various customary methodologies moved with the guide of global instatement of business process. The shift in the age group of the labor force working for the multinational corporation has been presented as the biggest trendwhich has been observed in managing the human resource. Moreover, the business entities are also becoming more culture oriented and has started societal concepts on priority (Cascio Boudreau, 2016). A growth in the sector of education and technology can be considered as another remarkable trend. The diversity has been increased for both aspects and due to which number of aspects are changing their faces. Mobility of resources has been considered as another resource and currently on which the international business corporations are focusing. Carrying on the mobility function effectively has been considered as an integral operation for any of the business corporation. This trend plays a significant role as aids in deciding the motivation level of the workforce in the business entity. All of the above mentioned trends play a crucial role in stimulating the acti vities of the business (Clark et al., 2016). And this is the reason for managing the same in the business corporation for gaining competitive edge in the international market. The below analyzed are the key challenges: Technology The term technology has been considered as the mechanism or a tool which assists the entity in the business process and also aids in implementing, innovating creative idea within their organization. This concept has been considered as the most rapidly changing aspect and which also offers a wide range of advantages to the business corporation. Gaining the competitive edge has been considered as the basic and most significant requirement for the global businessfor sustaining in the market (Cooke, Veen Wood, 2017). And this can be done only through the utilization of technological advancement and contemporary means. The concept of technology implementation will aid the business entity to transform the employment market; the organizational structure in which the employees are prevailing and the same has been considering as a trending concept which is constantl0 changing with the era. And hence, the term technology has been regarded as one of the integral trends in the concept of intern ational human resource management. It has also been observe that there can be adverse effects on the state of the organization if the approaches of technology is not applied adequately and the same can come-up as an issue. Further if the concept has been considered under discussion on the negative aspects then the first one in the list can be that the power of IT has been developing as a challenge for the human resource who is working on manual basis (Dalton Bingham, 2017). The technology has become the reason of issue for the human resource as it is replacing the jobs of normal people and rising as a permanent loss of jobs. There are also some issues to the international business while managing the business as it have narrow and specific skills implemented in them. The technological up-gradations are very rapid and fast-changing which are making it more difficult for some of the business corporation. The adoption of same has been proven very much difficult as the outdated business. One of the biggest difficulty has been come-up with this concept is that adoption of the technology in the operational process is tough and it is more tough to re-educate the same technology to the workforce within the bus iness organization. The same has been proven as a burden when it comes to implementation in their management system. Elimination of the job opportunities has come-up as another challenge which the business entity faces with the advancement of technology in the organizational structure (Dickmann, Brewster Sparrow, 2016). As by making use of technology and advancements in the operational processes will minimize or eliminate the manual work. Education One of the essential factor and an integral player which contributes and assistsin the growth of the business organization is the term education. Be that as it may, now and again it might goes about as a test for the worldwide business process (Farndale et al., 2017). Education encourages the multinational organizations to give answers for the demographic HR caused by the organization; it goes about as both advantage and danger to the organization if not utilized astutely. Discussing the education going about as a risk to the association, the way that should be noted is that quite recently like innovation; training is a continuous procedure, which is changing each day. Thus, there is no restrictions to the way toward securing training, that if a man gets a breaking point of instruction then they are met all requirements to carry out certain occupation. Training is an assorted field which continues changing, alongside which another test identifying with education is distinction in educating style (Kaufman, 2016). It alludes to the way or process in which individuals achieve training, as in a MNC a large portion of the general population who are utilized for the activity are exile which symbolizes that their place from which acquired education was also different. So distinction in training style can prompt contrasts in the administration of the organization too. Outlining to the above explanation it should be said that distinction in education can prompt social contrasts also. All formal and expert individuals utilized in the organization would have their purpose of distinction of feelings because of differences in their lessons. Aside from that discussing the work environment learning, it should be noticed that now the working environment learning has formed into a more extensive setting because of which it ends up noticeably troublesome for expatriates to embrace the progressions appropriately (Kramar, 2014). The kind of capability gave in various foundation is unique and the work offered in an association is extraordinary. Along these lines, if the worker's mental aptitudes are satisfactorily created by the profile of the work then it can go about as an issue of the association. Mobility The concept has been concerned regarding the mobility in international human resource management. The concept makes the identification of the portability of human resources in a multinational firm. Clarifying the statement, this term incorporates the progression, reductions, and exchange of human resource within the business organization. It is mandatory to satisfy the employees with the type of services they offer (Nickson, 2013). For example, if a regionalemployee of US is exchanged with an Australian for their future profession period, authorization of the employees is vital in light of the fact that if the employee isn't happy with such choice of the organization then it can disapprovinglyaffect the working environment of the business entity. Along these lines, it is an urgent choice which the firm needs to bring with the salutation of the workforce of the entity. In this way, if the choice of mobility isn't taken sufficiently in an association at that point can make issue for th e organization in overseeing human resource of the entity (Paill et al., 2014). Aside from that, the organization needs to legitimately take the choice cap which staff needs to go at the diverse outlet of the organization and who needs to remain in a same office. Motivation of the employees, authoritative responsibility, and employment fulfillment are the most vital angles because of which an individual plays out their activity viably and effectively. Thus, if an employee is exchanged to another unit of the firm then the activity fulfillment level can diminish which can influence the condition of the association. Impact of HRM issues on the business corporation All the operations of human resources are directly connected with the business organization and any of the change in the same will impose many impacts on the growth of the international business. The below presented are the impacts of HR activities on the multinational corporation: Considering the effects of mechanical advancements on the development of business are that, the employees of the organization began getting demoralized as they were not able to cope-up with the innovative changes occurring in the inner administration of the organization (Reiche, Mendenhall Stahl, 2016). The senior age individuals utilized in the organization thought that, it was hard to adapt the innovation originating from various parts of the world. Aside from that, expatriate can't roll out them to comprehend with respect to the improvements. The typical employments of the general employees were likewise replaced due to this impact. In spite of the fact that I went about as an advantage for the organization on a similar hand this procedure additionally drained the human resource management of the organization. Further in addition, another mediums in which the technology affected the operations and practices of human resource management is that, as this procedure exhausted in the quantity of employees working in an association and the general population who had routine occupations in their business, because of this loss of employments an awful impression of organization might win in the market (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). As the ex-workers of the organization would discuss the incensed mechanical development and the less employer stability odds of the employees in the organization and which would lead to develop a bad image of the firm. Another viewpoint which influenced the global human resource practices in an association is education. This angle discusses the cultural disparities prevailing in the employees within the business corporation (Sekiguchi, Froese Iguchi, 2016). As all of the employees or the individuals have taken their lessons from various foundations because of which there is a distinction in considering and appropriateness of hypotheses in an association. Because of which the employees will have conflicts, as all individuals have their distinctive purpose of feelings. Another issue in the association comes when the skilled individuals discuss a few speculations which the accomplished employees of the organization can't comprehend as there are changes in the courses (Sheehan, 2014). Because of this procedure, a few workers of the organization may feel troubled which can go about as an issue of the organization. Training opens the psyche of individuals and it additionally enhances the ability to comp rehend things (Wilkinson Wood, 2017). Mobility of the employees is the last issue which comprises of the transfers and promotions and the same play an integral role in motivation and demotivation of the employees (Wilton, 2016). As if the transfer of the individual is with their will then they will be motivated and respond positively towards work and company. Conclusion In the limelight of the above executed analysis it has been concluded that in any of the business organization the concept of human resource management has been considered as a big concern. The business entity has been facing a number of issuesdue to the same and it is the duty of the HR to manage the required operations and practices so as to offer solutions over the issues. Recommendations The engagement of the HR managers is recommended on priority so as to minimize the varied differences in the human resource. Mobility should be done as per the will of the employees which will bring an enhancement in the dedication and interest. Training sessions should be offered to the employees so as to upgrade their skills and potential to work internationally. Satisfaction of the employees should be considered at top priority and for which some incentives and reward system should be introduced. References Al Ariss, A., Sidani, Y. (2016). Comparative international human resource management: Future research directions. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), 352-358. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Bhatti, M. W., Ahsan, A. (2016). Global software development: an exploratory study of challenges of globalization, HRM practices and process improvement. Review of Managerial Science, 10(4), 649-682. Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P., Vernon, G. (2016). International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers. Cascio, W. F., Boudreau, J. W. (2016). The search for global competence: From international HR to talent management. Journal of World Business, 51(1), 103-114. Clark, W. C., Tomich, T. 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A vision of international HRM research. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1625-1639. Kaufman, B. E. (2016). Globalization and convergencedivergence of HRM across nations: New measures, explanatory theory, and non-standard predictions from bringing in economics. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), 338-351. Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(8), 1069-1089. Nickson, D. (2013). Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge. Paill, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O., Jin, J. (2014). The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study. Journal of Business Ethics, 121(3), 451-466. Reiche, B. S., Mendenhall, M. E., Stahl, G. K. (Eds.). (2016). Readings and cases in international human resource management. Taylor Francis. Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(1), 1-14. Sekiguchi, T., Froese, F. J., Iguchi, C. (2016). International human resource management of Japanese multinational corporations: Challenges and future directions. Asian Business Management, 15(2), 83-109. Sheehan, M. (2014). Human resource management and performance: Evidence from small and medium-sized firms. International Small Business Journal, 32(5), 545-570. Wilkinson, A., Wood, G. (2017). Global trends and crises, comparative capitalism and HRM. Wilton, N. (2016). An introduction to human resource management. Sage.