Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Pharmacotherapy for Clients Dependent on a Substance Essay

Medications approved by the FDA for treatment of alcohol and opioid dependence, including acamprosate, disulfiram, naltrexone, methadone, and buprenorphine, have not been widely studied in the dually diagnosed population. Often, study participation criteria exclude individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders and mental illness, and it is only in recent years that research specifically focused on this population has become more common. Pharmacotherapy has also been underutilized in practice. A survey of 955 bipolar individuals found that while 8% met criteria for a current alcohol use disorder and 5% met criteria for a current non-alcohol substance use disorder, only 0.4% received disulfiram, methadone, naltrexone, and/or†¦show more content†¦There is a dearth of research on the use of acamprosate in the collective dually diagnosed population, attributable perhaps to its relatively recent approval in 2004. There is, however, evidence supporting the use of disulfiram and naltrexone. In a landmark study, Croop et al. (1997) found naltrexone to be safe among 865 clients. Although this study did not specifically focus on dually diagnosed clients, such clients were common in both the treatment and placebo groups, so the research is clinically relevant. A later review of 72 clients receiving naltrexone for alcoholism showed good treatment retention (81.9% completed the 8 week study) and good clinical response (82% reduced drinking by at least 75% and only 17% relapsed at 8 weeks) (Maxwell Shinderman, 2000). In a later placebo-controlled study of 254 outpatient clients with diverse psychiatric disorders and co-occurring alcohol dependence, Petrakis and colleagues (2005) found that use of disulfiram or naltrexone was associated with a significant reduction in drinking days per week, and an increase in consecutive days of abstinence, compared to placebo. Clients were randomly assigned to receive (open-label) disulfiram and (blinded) naltrexone, naltre xone only, disulfiram only, or placebo only. In this multisite, placebo-controlled study of VA clients, thereShow MoreRelatedAlcohol And Drug Abuse Are Not New Themes1525 Words   |  7 Pagesit can become a problem†(Substance Dependency, n.d., Para 1). Drinking alcohol is like playing a game of reality versus fantasy, the more alcohol is digested, and the closer a person gets to a fantasy theme. â€Å"Drug use in America is also more commonplace than it once was. In today s teenage population over 90 percent have used alcohol. Over 50 percent have used marijuana, 17 percent admit to trying cocaine and 12.5 percent have used some form of hallucinogen†(Substance Dependency, n.d., Para 1)Read MoreThe Between Opiates And Opioids1692 Words   |  7 Pageswithdrawal the client might experience drug craving, pain, nausea, tremors, restlessness, irritability, anorexia, and severe depression. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Dells Supply Chain Management - 2081 Words

Direct Sales and Build-to-Order Model: Dell’s computers, workstations, and servers are built-to-order and none are produced for inventory purposes which clearly cuts Dell’s cost on inventory. Dell customers could order through their website or even via phone, custom-made servers and workstations based on the needs of their applications. For desktop and laptop, customers are able to order whatever configuration of microprocessor speed, random access memory (RAM), hard-disk capacity, CD-ROM drive, fax/modem, monitor size, speakers, and other accessories they favored. The orders will then be directed to the nearest factory. Dell has proven to be successful in minimizing inventory and bringing new products in the market quickly enabling them†¦show more content†¦In Dell’s website, there is also an interface called the ‘premier page’ for corporate customers to facilitate B2B or Business to Business sales and to separate them from the personal use customers. The interface is designed for purchasing manager or whoever is in charge to log on and place an order. This interface is also customized according to the company’s needs. The bullwhip effect is also being reduced as a result of Dell’s direct sales model. Dell contracts special web pages for suppliers, allowing them to view orders for components they produce when a customer orders them through Dell’s website. This will give suppliers the advantage and the possibility to plan based on customers demand. This also allows Dell to achieve substantial unit cost advantage. Dell is able to minimize rapid depreciation and inventory write-off costs by its direct sales model. Through Dell’s direct sales model, Dell is able to collect payment in 5 days on average after a product is being sold. However, Dell still continues to pay their supplier according to the traditional billing schedule as when it comes to money, the traditional way of billing, invoici ng and etc is still preferable. Inventory is low and is negative in Dell’s working capital, thus, making able for Dell to concentrate on increasing its performance. Q3. What are the main disadvantages of Dell’s direct sales model? The most remarkable thing about Dell is its direct sales model. AShow MoreRelatedDells Supply Chain Management1882 Words   |  8 PagesDell’s Supply Chain Management      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The term supply chain management (SCM) was initially used in wholesaling and retailing to denote the integration of logistics and physical distribution functions with the goal of reducing delivery lead times. Manufacturers and service providers have used the same term to describe integration and partnership efforts with first- and second- tier suppliers to reduce cost and improve quality and delivery timing. Terms such as integrated purchasing strategyRead MoreRelationship Management Strategies in Dells Supply Chain5443 Words   |  22 Pagesusing the multinational corporation Dell, Inc, existing and suggested Relationship Management Strategies applied to both Upstream and Downstream members of a supply chain. It also examines and gives an analysis of, using several diagrams, tables and models, Dell’s product range – and the customers who buy them. This paper also examines several Key Issues associated with maintaining positive relationships with supply chain members, and how they may be worked out, besides providing an in-depth analysisRead MoreIntroduction to Supply Chain Management System: Dell Computer Corporation1451 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM) System Supply chain management (SCM) is the combination of activities which help a company to improve the methods to make a product or service and deliver it to customers. (Larson, 2004) SCM encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management activities. More importantly, it includes coordination and collaboration with other people who are associated with the business likeRead MoreHow Does Dell Manage Inventory Within Its Supply Chain? Essay1445 Words   |  6 PagesHow does Dell manage inventory within its supply chain? Supply chain consist of the series of activities that controls the flow of materials and information through operations to the end-user (Greasley 2013). There is also a people element to the supply chain – customers and employees (Elliott 2016). As materials are an integral part of the supply chain, inventory management is part of the supply chain management. Inventory management can be defined as the process of efficiently overseeing the constantRead MoreDell Value Chain1717 Words   |  7 PagesVALUE ADDED CHAIN IN DELL SUBMITTED BY: SIDDHARTHA DAS ROLL NO: 32 BATCH: PGDM (FM) 2010-12 SUBJECT: Project and Infrastructure Management: Financing, Implementation and Control Table of Contents Sl.No. | Description | Page No. | 1 | VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS | 3 | 2 | VALUE CHAIN IN DELL | 4 | 3 | DIRECT SELLING STRATEGY OF DELL | 5 | 4 | COMPONENTS OF DIRECT SELLING STRATEGY | 6 | 5 | ADVANTAGES OF VALUE CHAIN OF DELL | 8 | 5.1 | CONCLUSION | 9 | CHAPTER-1 What is ValueRead MoreDell’s Competitive Advantage:1038 Words   |  5 PagesDell’s Competitive Advantage Dell is officially the No. 1 computer systems company in the world. Dell is able to sustain a competitive advantage over competitors in the computer industry because of an extremely efficient supply chain/distribution system. 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With new business models prevailing, Ford did notRead Moredell supply chain managment1676 Words   |  7 PagesCourse: Supply Chain Management (SCM) Assignment One – Singular Unit Supply Chain Management Subject HOW DELL IS MANAGING ITS SUPPLY CHAIN Writer Bassam Badran IV Date of delivery 10-10-2012 Due date (submittal) 10-11-2012 Grade 20% References Compiled from several articles in Business Week (1997 through 2001); cio.com (2001); dell.com, accessed March 27, 2003; Hagel (2002). 1. Principals and Reasons In this project you would understand the concept of managing the supply chain in DellRead MoreDell Supply Chain Managment2938 Words   |  12 PagesSupply Chain Management Term Paper On INVENTORY DECISIONS IN DELL’S SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Submitted to Dr. P.R.S SHARMA Gitam School of International Business Submitted by UKR PRASANTH BABU.K 1226111138 (IB) SECTION-A INVENTORY DECISIONS IN DELL’S SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dell is the largest computer-systems company based on estimates of global market share. It is also the fastest growing of the major computer-systems companies competing in the businessRead More Ford Motor Company Supply Chain Strategy Essay1397 Words   |  6 PagesFord Motor Company Supply Chain Strategy Background In 1913, Henry Ford revolutionized product manufacturing by introducing the first assembly line to the automotive industry. Ford’s hallmark of achievement proved to be a key competence for the motor company as the low cost of the Model T attracted a broader, new range of prospective car-owners. However, after many decades of success, customers have become harder to find. Due to relatively new threats to the industry, increasing numbers of

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Business Financial Metrics Free Essays

A business metric is also known as a financial ratio or performance indicator. Financial ratios lift the veil on a firm’s operating prowess, telling investors how the company navigates the doldrums of a bad company. There are four common types of performance indicators in modern-day financial analysis: Liquidity, Efficiency, Profitability, and Safety. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Financial Metrics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Liquidity Ratios Working Capital Formula: Total Current Assets – Total Current Liabilities The working capital metric is a measure of both a company’s efficiency and its short term financial health. Positive working capital means that the company is able to pay off its short-term liabilities. Negative working capital means that a company currently is unable to meet its short-term liabilities with its current assets. Current Ratio Formula: Total Current Assets / Total Current Liabilities Generally this metric measures the overall liquidity position of a company. It is certainly not a perfect barometer, but good enough. Watch for big decreases in this number over time. Make sure the accounts listed in current assets are collectible. Quick Ratio Formula: (Cash – Accounts Receivable) / Total Current Liabilities This is another good indicator of liquidity although by itself, it is not a perfect one. If there are receivable accounts included in the numerator, they should be collectible. Look at the length of time the company has to pay the amount listed in the denominator. Inventory Days Formula: (Inventory / COGS) * 365 Inventory days show how much inventory (in days) is on hand. It indicates how quick a company can respond to market and/or product changes. Not all companies have inventory for the metric. Accounts Receivable Days Formula: (Account Receivable / Sales) * 365 Accounts Receivable shows how much inventory (in days) is on hand. It indicates how quick a company responds to market and/or product can change. Not all companies have inventory for the metric. Accounts Payable Days Formula: (Accounts Payable / COGS) * 365 Accounts Payable shows the average number of days that lapse between the purchase of material and labor, and payment of them. It is a rough measure of how timely a company is in meeting payment obligations. Profits and Profits Margins Gross Profit Margin Formula: (Sale – COGS) / Sales The financial metric that uses a firm’s financial health by revealing the proportion of money left over from revenues after accounting for the cost of goods sold. Gross profit margin serves as the source for paying additional expenses and future savings. Net Profit Margin Formula: (Adjusted Net Profit before Taxes / Sales) Net profit is one of the more important barometers that we look at. It measures how many cents of profit the company is generating for every dollar is sells. Track it carefully against industry competitors. This is a very important number in preparing forecasts. Advertising to Sales Formula: Advertising Expense / Sale Advertising to Sale shows advertising expense for the company as percentage of sales. Borrowing Ratios Interest Coverage Ratio EBITDA / Interest Expense This ratio measures a company’s ability to service debt payments from operating cash flow (EBITDA). An increase ratio is a good indicator of improving credit quality. Debt-to-Equity Ratio Formula: Total Liabilities / Total Equity This balance sheet leverage ratio indicates the composition of a company’s total capitalization. The balance between money or assets owed versus the money or assets owned. Generally, creditors prefer a lower ratio to decrease financial risk while investors prefer a higher ratio to realize the return benefits of financial leverage. Debt Leverage Ratio Formula: Total Liabilities / EBITDA This ratio measures a company’s ability to repay debt obligations from annualized operation cash flow (EBITDA). Assets Ratios Return on Equity Formula: Net Income / Total Equity This measure show how much profit is being returned on the shareholders equity each year. It is a vital statistic from the perspective of equity holders in a company. Return on Assets Formula: Net Income / Total Assets This calculation measure the company’s ability to use its assets to create profits. Return on assets indicates how many cents of profit each dollar of asset is producing per year. It is quite important since managers can only be evaluated by looking at how they use the assets available. Business owners and managers continually monitor the performance of their companies, always looking for opportunities to improve and challenges to overcome. A number of important metrics of business performance management provide insight into how a company performs in a range of areas, including marketing effectiveness, financial management and operational efficiency. Keeping on top of these metrics can help your company to operate at its best. Reference Page http://www. mrdashboard. com/FinancialRatios. html http://www. solutionmatrix. com/financial-metrics. html www. ehow. com/info_7753305_business-metrics. html http://cfowise. com/solution/financial-ratios How to cite Business Financial Metrics, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

International Human Resource for Globalization -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInternational Human Resource Managementfor Globalization. Answer: Introduction The emergence of the concept of globalization and liberalization enhanced the significance of the and also became the reason for opening MNCs (Al Ariss Sidani, 2016). The term multinational corporation has been concerned with the execution of the operations and all the functionalities on the global level. The multinational corporations have a diversified range of working environment with numerous dimensions. The multinationals are utilizing contemporary means for developing distinct identity in the market. This all has initiated the global and economic business which has made some effective and positive developments with time. Managing the human resource has been considered as an integral task for the business entity so as to sustain development on global grounds (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The profit margins can be high on a global level, whereas, if the same went wrong then this can have some adverse effects over the organization. Due to the intensification in the competitive environment it has become mandatory to keep all the available resources intact and this will aid the entity in managing the core operations properly. Amongst all the resources the human resource is the most precious and managing the same will offer number of profitable grounds to the business. There are numbers of issues which are facedby the HR managers and also affect the growth of the organization. The report further comprises of the key trends and challenges which are confronted by the business entities in the global environment (Bhatti Ahsan, 2016). The main objective of the presented report is the execution of the analysis of the current trends and issues faced while managing human resource on global grounds. Further the impacts of the same on the business are also discussed. Recommendation for bringing improvements and due to this the HR manager will be able to sustain the growth and development of the business corporation. Trends and challenges faced by MNCs The truth of the matter is genuine that the world is currently all the more transforming into a global business which drives monetary development for the nations all over the globe. There are numerous of trends which are continually noted in the ranges like, innovation, training, employees, economies, and communication and so on (Brewster et al., 2016). This all leads to the development of international business prompts high level of financial change and a developing number of members in the business. Likewise, unpredictability and vulnerability expanded with the impact. Various customary methodologies moved with the guide of global instatement of business process. The shift in the age group of the labor force working for the multinational corporation has been presented as the biggest trendwhich has been observed in managing the human resource. Moreover, the business entities are also becoming more culture oriented and has started societal concepts on priority (Cascio Boudreau, 2016). A growth in the sector of education and technology can be considered as another remarkable trend. The diversity has been increased for both aspects and due to which number of aspects are changing their faces. Mobility of resources has been considered as another resource and currently on which the international business corporations are focusing. Carrying on the mobility function effectively has been considered as an integral operation for any of the business corporation. This trend plays a significant role as aids in deciding the motivation level of the workforce in the business entity. All of the above mentioned trends play a crucial role in stimulating the acti vities of the business (Clark et al., 2016). And this is the reason for managing the same in the business corporation for gaining competitive edge in the international market. The below analyzed are the key challenges: Technology The term technology has been considered as the mechanism or a tool which assists the entity in the business process and also aids in implementing, innovating creative idea within their organization. This concept has been considered as the most rapidly changing aspect and which also offers a wide range of advantages to the business corporation. Gaining the competitive edge has been considered as the basic and most significant requirement for the global businessfor sustaining in the market (Cooke, Veen Wood, 2017). And this can be done only through the utilization of technological advancement and contemporary means. The concept of technology implementation will aid the business entity to transform the employment market; the organizational structure in which the employees are prevailing and the same has been considering as a trending concept which is constantl0 changing with the era. And hence, the term technology has been regarded as one of the integral trends in the concept of intern ational human resource management. It has also been observe that there can be adverse effects on the state of the organization if the approaches of technology is not applied adequately and the same can come-up as an issue. Further if the concept has been considered under discussion on the negative aspects then the first one in the list can be that the power of IT has been developing as a challenge for the human resource who is working on manual basis (Dalton Bingham, 2017). The technology has become the reason of issue for the human resource as it is replacing the jobs of normal people and rising as a permanent loss of jobs. There are also some issues to the international business while managing the business as it have narrow and specific skills implemented in them. The technological up-gradations are very rapid and fast-changing which are making it more difficult for some of the business corporation. The adoption of same has been proven very much difficult as the outdated business. One of the biggest difficulty has been come-up with this concept is that adoption of the technology in the operational process is tough and it is more tough to re-educate the same technology to the workforce within the bus iness organization. The same has been proven as a burden when it comes to implementation in their management system. Elimination of the job opportunities has come-up as another challenge which the business entity faces with the advancement of technology in the organizational structure (Dickmann, Brewster Sparrow, 2016). As by making use of technology and advancements in the operational processes will minimize or eliminate the manual work. Education One of the essential factor and an integral player which contributes and assistsin the growth of the business organization is the term education. Be that as it may, now and again it might goes about as a test for the worldwide business process (Farndale et al., 2017). Education encourages the multinational organizations to give answers for the demographic HR caused by the organization; it goes about as both advantage and danger to the organization if not utilized astutely. Discussing the education going about as a risk to the association, the way that should be noted is that quite recently like innovation; training is a continuous procedure, which is changing each day. Thus, there is no restrictions to the way toward securing training, that if a man gets a breaking point of instruction then they are met all requirements to carry out certain occupation. Training is an assorted field which continues changing, alongside which another test identifying with education is distinction in educating style (Kaufman, 2016). It alludes to the way or process in which individuals achieve training, as in a MNC a large portion of the general population who are utilized for the activity are exile which symbolizes that their place from which acquired education was also different. So distinction in training style can prompt contrasts in the administration of the organization too. Outlining to the above explanation it should be said that distinction in education can prompt social contrasts also. All formal and expert individuals utilized in the organization would have their purpose of distinction of feelings because of differences in their lessons. Aside from that discussing the work environment learning, it should be noticed that now the working environment learning has formed into a more extensive setting because of which it ends up noticeably troublesome for expatriates to embrace the progressions appropriately (Kramar, 2014). The kind of capability gave in various foundation is unique and the work offered in an association is extraordinary. Along these lines, if the worker's mental aptitudes are satisfactorily created by the profile of the work then it can go about as an issue of the association. Mobility The concept has been concerned regarding the mobility in international human resource management. The concept makes the identification of the portability of human resources in a multinational firm. Clarifying the statement, this term incorporates the progression, reductions, and exchange of human resource within the business organization. It is mandatory to satisfy the employees with the type of services they offer (Nickson, 2013). For example, if a regionalemployee of US is exchanged with an Australian for their future profession period, authorization of the employees is vital in light of the fact that if the employee isn't happy with such choice of the organization then it can disapprovinglyaffect the working environment of the business entity. Along these lines, it is an urgent choice which the firm needs to bring with the salutation of the workforce of the entity. In this way, if the choice of mobility isn't taken sufficiently in an association at that point can make issue for th e organization in overseeing human resource of the entity (Paill et al., 2014). Aside from that, the organization needs to legitimately take the choice cap which staff needs to go at the diverse outlet of the organization and who needs to remain in a same office. Motivation of the employees, authoritative responsibility, and employment fulfillment are the most vital angles because of which an individual plays out their activity viably and effectively. Thus, if an employee is exchanged to another unit of the firm then the activity fulfillment level can diminish which can influence the condition of the association. Impact of HRM issues on the business corporation All the operations of human resources are directly connected with the business organization and any of the change in the same will impose many impacts on the growth of the international business. The below presented are the impacts of HR activities on the multinational corporation: Considering the effects of mechanical advancements on the development of business are that, the employees of the organization began getting demoralized as they were not able to cope-up with the innovative changes occurring in the inner administration of the organization (Reiche, Mendenhall Stahl, 2016). The senior age individuals utilized in the organization thought that, it was hard to adapt the innovation originating from various parts of the world. Aside from that, expatriate can't roll out them to comprehend with respect to the improvements. The typical employments of the general employees were likewise replaced due to this impact. In spite of the fact that I went about as an advantage for the organization on a similar hand this procedure additionally drained the human resource management of the organization. Further in addition, another mediums in which the technology affected the operations and practices of human resource management is that, as this procedure exhausted in the quantity of employees working in an association and the general population who had routine occupations in their business, because of this loss of employments an awful impression of organization might win in the market (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). As the ex-workers of the organization would discuss the incensed mechanical development and the less employer stability odds of the employees in the organization and which would lead to develop a bad image of the firm. Another viewpoint which influenced the global human resource practices in an association is education. This angle discusses the cultural disparities prevailing in the employees within the business corporation (Sekiguchi, Froese Iguchi, 2016). As all of the employees or the individuals have taken their lessons from various foundations because of which there is a distinction in considering and appropriateness of hypotheses in an association. Because of which the employees will have conflicts, as all individuals have their distinctive purpose of feelings. Another issue in the association comes when the skilled individuals discuss a few speculations which the accomplished employees of the organization can't comprehend as there are changes in the courses (Sheehan, 2014). Because of this procedure, a few workers of the organization may feel troubled which can go about as an issue of the organization. Training opens the psyche of individuals and it additionally enhances the ability to comp rehend things (Wilkinson Wood, 2017). Mobility of the employees is the last issue which comprises of the transfers and promotions and the same play an integral role in motivation and demotivation of the employees (Wilton, 2016). As if the transfer of the individual is with their will then they will be motivated and respond positively towards work and company. Conclusion In the limelight of the above executed analysis it has been concluded that in any of the business organization the concept of human resource management has been considered as a big concern. The business entity has been facing a number of issuesdue to the same and it is the duty of the HR to manage the required operations and practices so as to offer solutions over the issues. Recommendations The engagement of the HR managers is recommended on priority so as to minimize the varied differences in the human resource. Mobility should be done as per the will of the employees which will bring an enhancement in the dedication and interest. Training sessions should be offered to the employees so as to upgrade their skills and potential to work internationally. Satisfaction of the employees should be considered at top priority and for which some incentives and reward system should be introduced. References Al Ariss, A., Sidani, Y. (2016). Comparative international human resource management: Future research directions. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), 352-358. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Bhatti, M. W., Ahsan, A. (2016). Global software development: an exploratory study of challenges of globalization, HRM practices and process improvement. Review of Managerial Science, 10(4), 649-682. Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P., Vernon, G. (2016). International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers. Cascio, W. F., Boudreau, J. W. (2016). The search for global competence: From international HR to talent management. Journal of World Business, 51(1), 103-114. Clark, W. C., Tomich, T. P., Van Noordwijk, M., Guston, D., Catacutan, D., Dickson, N. M., McNie, E. (2016). Boundary work for sustainable development: natural resource management at the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(17), 4615-4622. Cooke, F. L., Veen, A., Wood, G. (2017). What do we know about cross-country comparative studies in HRM? A critical review of literature in the period of 2000-2014. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1), 196-233. Dalton, K., Bingham, C. (2017). A social institutionalist perspective on HR diffusion: historical and cultural receptivity to HRM in a post-communist context. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(6), 825-851. Dickmann, M., Brewster, C., Sparrow, P. (Eds.). (2016). International Human Resource Management: Contemporary HR Issues in Europe. Routledge. Farndale, E., Raghuram, S., Gully, S., Liu, X., Phillips, J. M., Vidovi?, M. (2017). A vision of international HRM research. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1625-1639. Kaufman, B. E. (2016). Globalization and convergencedivergence of HRM across nations: New measures, explanatory theory, and non-standard predictions from bringing in economics. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), 338-351. Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(8), 1069-1089. Nickson, D. (2013). Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge. Paill, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O., Jin, J. (2014). The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study. Journal of Business Ethics, 121(3), 451-466. Reiche, B. S., Mendenhall, M. E., Stahl, G. K. (Eds.). (2016). Readings and cases in international human resource management. Taylor Francis. Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(1), 1-14. Sekiguchi, T., Froese, F. J., Iguchi, C. (2016). International human resource management of Japanese multinational corporations: Challenges and future directions. Asian Business Management, 15(2), 83-109. Sheehan, M. (2014). Human resource management and performance: Evidence from small and medium-sized firms. International Small Business Journal, 32(5), 545-570. Wilkinson, A., Wood, G. (2017). Global trends and crises, comparative capitalism and HRM. Wilton, N. (2016). An introduction to human resource management. Sage.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Counseling Processes Essays - Mental Health, Clinical Psychology

Counseling Processes II. DEFINITION OF TERMS Counseling - the act or process of giving counsel - the process of assisting and guiding clients, especially by a trained person on a professional basis, to resolve personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties - a generic term that is used to cover the several processes of interviewing, testing, guiding, advising, etc. designed to help an individual solve problems, plan for the future, etc. Process - a systematic series of actions directed to one end - a continuous action or series of changes taking place in a definite manner III. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION In counseling, there are many processes used by a counselor in his sessions with a client. These may be done in a specific order or however which way the counselor sees them to be appropriate. Listed below are the different processes that may be undertaken during a counseling session. 1. Before meeting a counselee, the counselor tries to find out as much as he can about the former. This is done so that he may discern what will help the client most. Also, he has to fathom the counselee's past so that he will know beforehand how he can help him. 2. The counselor and the counselee take some time to get to know each other. This is a process that works both ways, as does the entire counseling process upon which they are about to embark. In the process, the counselee's needs are assessed and appropriate therapy may be chosen. 3. Questionnaires or tests may be given to the counselee to prove or disprove the counselor's initial findings. It may be too early to judge the counselee right away but this may help the counselor in the totality of the sessions. 4. The counselor needs to determine, with greater accuracy, the nature of the emotion and experience that is behind the counselee's current difficulties by further detailed examination of the latter's history. Some of the issues and patterns raised in the questionnaires or tests may be raised and any relationships that may be analogous to initial observations may be noted with the behaviors and feelings involved. 5. The counselor tries to give a summary of some of the findings and also some instruction regarding specific actions to be taken or thoughts that need to be changed. He may ask the client to compile a journal so that the latter may elaborate upon the area of emotion that he feels is central to his problems. The counselee may be asked to look in some detail at the problems he faces on a day-to-day basis and explore all the emotions that he feels are associated with these problems as they arise. 6. The counselor and the client look in some more detail at the problems reported and the emotions surrounding them. They are now better equipped to look in greater depth at the counselee's problems. Relevant issues will be approached and any patterns that can be discerned are raised and related to the counselee's background life and history as a whole. During the course of this process, major underlying driving factors are identified and these factors are often learnt as a result of past experiences. 7. Role-playing may be used to help the counselee react to experiences that seem to bother him. The interaction will help the original experience to resurface and be better understood, enabling the counselee to learn from it and gain a better understanding of the emotional forces that have lead to his current feelings or behaviors. 8. The counselee should be active in the interpretation of raised issues. He should be able to provide explanations foe each emotion or behavior based on the insight he has gained to date. 9. Progress may be discussed by the counselor and counselee and recommendations for the future may be made. 10. Each session may be recorded for further reference. IV. SUMMARY To summarize, the different counseling processes which may be used during counseling sessions are: 1. background search 2. initial interview 3. initial assessment of the counselee by the counselor 4. goal setting 5. testing 6. guiding and advising 7. role-playing 8. reporting 9. interpreting and understanding 10. recording V. CONCLUSION Counseling takes place on several levels. One level is where insight is the goal. Skills for life management are developed. Problem solving, negotiating, and communication skills

Monday, November 25, 2019

Fewer numbers without language - Emphasis

Fewer numbers without language Fewer numbers without language Those who see themselves more as number people than word people might be surprised to learn that their understanding of numbers is actually dependent on language. New research has found that, without language, it is impossible to properly comprehend larger quantities. The findings come from a study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, of a deaf community in Nicaragua. With no knowledge of Spanish or formal sign language, these people have created their own signing system; but it doesnt include vocabulary for numbers. This is despite the fact that they live and work in a numerate society. During the experiments, members of the group often lost track of specific numbers above three. In one test, participants were asked to respond to taps on the hand by tapping the same amount back, but they tended to be out by one or two. Theyre not wildly off, says Elizabet Spaepen, the lead researcher. They can approximate quantities, but they dont have a way of getting to the exact number. Although humans have been shown to have an innate numerical understanding, we are only naturally adept at understanding small numbers and estimating large ones. We need words in order to bridge that gap. What language does is give you a means of linking up our small, exact number abilities with our large approximate number abilities, says Daniel Casasanto, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands. And we wouldnt be where we are today without this vital link. It has been the tool that gave rise to the society we live in, Casasanto says. The skyscrapers we work in and the computers that were talking on right now all of these things are possible because of exact large number and humans ability to manipulate them. Something to consider next time youre managing your portfolio, balancing your chequebook, or sharing out MMs in the office.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Point-Of-Purchase Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Point-Of-Purchase Advertising - Essay Example Every time I pay for something at a convenience store or shopping mall, my eyes always stray to the magazine rack. The colorful front covers never fail to catch my attention. What is featured on those covers is also eye-catching. While I wait for my turn with the cashier, I find myself reading the tidbits about celebrities or appreciating the blurbs on interior decorating. On some days I would find myself getting a copy of one or two magazines from the display to add them to my purchases. The same thing happens to me when it comes to food. Whenever I go grocery shopping, I always come home with something I did not plan on buying. There was one time I only wanted to buy toiletries but arrived home with three cans of Campbell’s Mushroom Soup because the store was having a Buy One, Take One promo on the product. On other days, I would get a spaghetti pack since the store would have noodles and canned tomato sauce packaged as one item. The last product would be cosmetics. As a fem ale, I would always be on the lookout for bargains and sales. Although I am not the type to go to the mall specifically to buy any kind of make-up, when I see a basket with lip colors for a discounted price a piece, I normally grab some, thinking I could send them out later as gifts. This happens most often during the Christmas season when a number of cosmetic items are on sale. Another reason I tend to buy an eye-shadow kit, for example, is when the sales person offers to try the colors on me and I end up looking really nice. For food, cosmetics and magazine, I often find myself buying the products because of several reasons. For the magazines, I patronize because I find certain stories on the cover interesting. I am also a big fan of some celebrities so when they are featured by a magazine and I like the story about them, I buy the literature. I find the point-of-purchase marketing for this product helpful. If the magazines were not displayed near the checkout counter, I would not have seen the magazines. If so, I would not have gotten the information I was interested in. For the food products, I think their POP marketing was also effective but not as effective as that for the magazines. I did not find these annoying. However, I think that some of these did not even reach their target markets on some days. For example, as I was heading towards the dairy section one time, I happened to notice some promotional products on the display in another section. Since I did not need anything in that section, I did not stop to check out the items being advertised. In this sense, I think the POP was wasted. I have the same sentiments for the POP marketing used in cosmetics. I think these products are more of a luxury for most consumers than a necessity. On the other hand, customers will be still be encouraged to buy lipstick or compact powder after POP marketing like trial make-up, discounts and freebies because it is a chance to have a very expensive product to beautify themselves with. As a marketing executive for any of the three products, I would continue to spend some of my advertising budget on point-of-purchase advertising. These kinds of promotions â€Å"have been found to have a significant influence on consumer shopping behavior†¦ Point-Of-Purchase Advertising International (POPAI) reports that as much [as] 75 percent of buying decisions are made in-store.† (Nicolas, 2007) I would probably change some aspects of the POP based on the location of the product in a grocery store, for example. Not all products can enjoy the spot near the cashier where people spend time in line and can still make an impulse decision on the items in their line of vision. Some products are even in an aisle that may only see

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sex differences in perception of female body shapes (FINAL YEAR Literature review

Sex differences in perception of female body shapes (FINAL YEAR PSYCHOLOGY) - Literature review Example This analysis will be through the systematic search of journal databases in order to find commonalities among various articles through key word searches. The primary concern of the research was focused on body weight as most articles articulated this aspect of body image as being the primary focus of quantifying attractiveness. The search strategy that was used for this study was undertaken through a search of the Web of Knowledge data base, specifically through Medline and Webscience. 40 studies were defined as relevant to the study and were used in order to compare both duplicate results and to contrast any information that might be in conflict. Through the use of a large variety of studies, the conclusions were verified through multiple resources and the information was confirmed as reliable. #Sex differences on perception of female body shape as attractive A Review of the Relevant Literature Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background and Importance The body image issues in the West ern world have gained ground in importance through the influence of the media. Body image is connected to issues of success, of mating, and of overall mental health in terms of contentment with the quality of one’s life. ... Therefore, the study of this phenomenon has occurred through the work of multiple researchers who have explored the perceptions of female body image through both the male and female perspective. Social influences have been determined to have an impact on the fashion of body weight in terms of perception of attraction. The media has the highest level of power in influencing the fashion of body weight attractiveness where females are concerned (Johnson and Petri 1995: Feingold and Mazzella 1998: Glauert, Rhodes, Byrne, Fink, and Grammer. 2009).. Family and friends more often provide a positive influence, while media influence produce highly improbably ideals that are improbable for most women to replicate. This creates a lowered self-esteem and predicts lower overall satisfaction in life. This can lead to food issues and eating disorders which impact the quality of life. The following literature review has been conducted using a search strategy that includes the use of the Web Knowledg e database, an online service through which the entering of key words provides a selection of appropriate relevant literature. The first section of the work will provide a list of key words that were used in order to conduct the search. In the process of conducting this search, a large number of articles were discovered that have initial relevant content. The articles were then searched to find those which had the most detailed relevant content and through which the best possible choices could be made towards establishing a foundation for the topic. 1.3 Search Protocol 1.3.1 Selection Criteria The topic of this paper is the differences in perception that males and females appreciate in regard to how the female body shape

Monday, November 18, 2019

To combat poverty and increase growth in the worlds poorest countries Essay

To combat poverty and increase growth in the worlds poorest countries policy makers need to focus on decreasing world income inequality - Essay Example In the second section I will be dealing with the effectiveness of the policies in reduction of poverty and growth of economy in poor countries. I agree with the statement because, income inequality affects a country’s economy; which comes as a result of poverty in the society. Research done shows that income inequality is reflected in high relation to income poverty rates. Income inequality has also been linked with health problems. This is because income inequality is associated with many issues that affect the health of children adversely (Wilkinson 1996). Many health problems are also associated with the amount of income people earn. In a psychological interpretation, the health status of person affects their income and thus if one is unhealthy, there is a possibility of low income. Income inequality is also associated with mental illness. People with poor living standards are at higher risks of physical and mental illnesses as a result of stress and lack of balanced diet. According to Wainwright (72-69) to help in fighting poverty, equal distribution of income, developments in social and economic environments mus t be looked into. Income inequality affects the economy in ways and it leads to inflation too. It is therefore necessary for the government and the citizen to come up with policies to help curb income inequality which has lead to poverty in the society mostly affecting the poor countries. To combat poverty and economic discrimination, there has to be application of polices that are made and implemented by the society with total assistance by all sectors of the government. The implemented policies should enhance and promote equal opportunities and offer access to basic social services, strengthen collective and individual participation and responsibility in the fight against poverty, establish specific

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Renal Excretion of Paracetamol | Experiment

Renal Excretion of Paracetamol | Experiment Paracetamol, known as acetaminophen in the USA, is one of the most commonly used analgesic and antipyretic drugs available over-the-counter. Its common name derives from the full chemical name: para-acetyl-amino-phenol, with the chemical formula C8H9NO2Â  and a molecular weight of 151.17. Paracetamol does not have any significant anti-inflammatory action and therefore cannot be accurately described as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), as was once thought. Its mechanism of action is still poorly understood but some studies have suggested that it inhibits a variant of the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme COX-1, which has been designated COX-3 (Swierkosz et al., 2002). Paracetamol acts mainly in the central nervous system and endothelial cells, rather than in platelets and immune cells. Boutaud and colleagues (2002) hypothesised that this may be explained by the high levels of peroxides found in the latter cell types, which inhibit the action of paracetamol. There has been some debate on the subject, with other researchers proposing an inhibitory action against COX-2 (Graham Scott, 2005). Further research is required to fully elucidate the mechanism of action at the molecular level. Following oral administration and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, paracetamol enters the blood and is distributed throughout the body. It is metabolised by enzymes in the hepatocytes of the liver and the majority is converted to inactive metabolites by conjugation with sulphate or glucuronide. This is then filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and into the urine, via active renal tubular secretion. A small portion of paracetamol remains unaltered and passes into the urine via glomerular filtration and passive absorption (Morris Levy, 1984). There is also a small proportion of the paracetamol that is metabolised by the cytochrome P450 system, which results in the formation of cysteine or glutathione conjugates and mercapturic acid conjugates. These products of oxidative metabolism are also excreted renally (Andrews et al. 1976). Paracetamol has a low therapeutic index, so the therapeutic dose is very close to the toxic dose. Toxicity can occur following a single large dose (>10g) or with chronic lower doses (4-5g/d) and is usually seen as hepatotoxicity, which can result in death within several days (Wikipedia). Toxicity occurs when the enzymes responsible for catalysing sulphate and glucuronide conjugation become saturated, forcing metabolism to be increasingly dependent upon the cytochrome P450 system. This results in formation of a toxic metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzo-quinone imine (NAPQI), which is normally mopped up by binding to the sulphydryl group of glutathione to form inactive conjugates and mercapturic acid. Toxicity occurs when the glutathione supply becomes exhausted and NAPQI binds indiscriminately to molecules within the cell, such as membranes, to cause cell damage and death, seen as acute hepatic necrosis. Major pathway for normal metabolism Minor pathway via cytochrome P450 system produces toxic metabolite (NAPQI), shown in red. Normally this is detoxified by binding to glutathione. Toxicity occurs when pathways 1 and 2 are overloaded and NAPQI binds to molecules of the cell, causing damage. Modified from Rang et al. 1995. The aim of this experiment is to investigate the renal excretion of paracetamol, by measuring the levels of paracetamol metabolites in human urine over 6 hours following an oral dose of 500mg. The total excretion will be assessed using the spectrophotometric method. From this data the elimination rate constant (KE) and the half-life (T1/2) will be calculated. Qualitative analysis of the various metabolites will be conducted using appropriate chemical identification techniques. METHOD A standard stock solution of paracetamol was prepared at 1mg/cm3 and dilutions were made to give a range of known concentrations. 1 cm3 of the paracetamol solution was added to 1 cm3 blank urine and 4 cm3 4M HCl, and mixed thoroughly. A blank duplicate was also prepared, using water instead of urine. After an hour in a boiling water bath the tubes were cooled and water added, up to 10 cm3. 1 cm3 of this hydrolysed urine solution was added to 10 cm3of colour forming solution, mixed and allowed to stand for 40 minutes. The absorbance of each solution was measured, using the spectrophotometer, zeroing the instrument using the drug free urine sample in between solutions. This produced the readings for the calibration curve. The collected timed urine samples were then processed in the same way, adding 1 cm3 water instead of paracetamol solution. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Known concentrations of paracetamol underwent spectrophotometry to measure the absorbance at 620nm. These results were used to produce a calibration curve (figure 3). The timed urine samples were then analysed following the same protocol and the absorbance at 620nm was used, in conjunction with the calibration curve to ascertain the concentration of paracetamol in the urine. Unfortunately, half of the samples produced absorbances outside the range of the calibration curve. Because this curve is non-linear, extrapolation and dilution cannot be used to accurately deduce the concentration of paracetamol in the urine. For the purposes of this report the concentration for these samples has been declared as ‘greater than 800ug/cm3’. This is not very satisfactory and further experiments must be done to extend the range of the calibration curve to the maximum absorbancy of the timed samples. The values of KE and T1/2 have been calculated to demonstrate the procedure, but are ina ccurate and will need revising once accurate concentrations have been established form the calibration curve. Table 1: Timed urine sample Mean absorbance 620nm Conc. ug/cm3 Vol. Urine (ml) Total drug (ug of paracetamol) Excretion rate mg/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 hour 0.256 192 245 47040 47 2 hours 1.918 >800 50 40000 40 3 hours 1.769 >800 38 30400 30.4 4 hours 1.028 >800 55 44000 44 5 hours 0.349 246 135 33210 33.2 6 hours 0.255 192 160 30720 30.7 Table 1 contains the absorbance results of the timed urine samples and the deduced concentration of paracetamol in the urine, as well as the hourly excretion rate. The total amount of paracetamol excreted over the 6 hour period was 225.3mg, which is 45% of the orally administered dose. Due to problems discussed above, this is an underestimate of the true percentage of dose excreted renally, which has been found to be 55-70% by other studies (Steventon et al., 1996). When log of the excretion rate (equivalent to total drug excreted per hour) is plotted against time, a linear plot should be achieved, from which KE can be estimated. This is shown in Figure 4, but is likely to need revising. The slope of this straight line equates to : KE /2.303, which gives a value for KE of 0.094. Using the formula: T1/2 =0.692/ KE , the value of T1/2 = 7.36 hours. This states that it takes the body 7.36 hours to excrete half of the drug administered. This is longer than the 1-4 hours usually quoted for paracetamol (Rang et al. 1995), and is not surprising given the underestimation of the paracetamol urine concentration. With proper calibration, this would be expected to decrease to nearer the previously found results. There were no results for the qualitative studies for metabolite composition, but it would be expected that sulphate and glucuronide conjugates would constitute the majority of the sample, with a smaller quantity of unchanged paracetamol, cysteine/glutathione and mercapturic acid metabolites. These results only represent one individual on one day and replications of this experiment are crucial. Nutritional status, recent alcohol consumption, ethnic background, concurrent drug usage and illness must all be taken into account as factors that may affect paracetamol metabolism and excretion (Riordan Williams, 2002, Patel Tang, 1992). Further analysis of paracetamol excretion Hepatotoxicity and drug interactions Table 2 shows how concurrent use of phenobarbital, an anti-epileptic drug, can increase the severity of liver damage caused by paracetamol administration and its subsequent metabolism. Table 2: Effect of Phenobarbital on paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity Treatment Dose of Paracetamol (mg/kg) Severity of liver necrosis None3751-2+ Phenobarbital3752-4+_________ This occurs due to metabolism of phenobarbital by enzymes of the P450 cytochrome system, which results in upregulation of their production. As explained in the introduction (see fig. 2), P450 enzymes also metabolise paracetamol, to form the toxic metabolite NAPQI. This is normally a minor pathway but as the amount of P450 enzymes available increases, the activity of this pathway also increases. This results in a larger than normal amount of NAPQI, which is mopped up and inactivated by glutathione. Glutathione supplies will eventually run out, which occurs sooner if the person is malnourished. When this happens the toxic metabolite binds to cell components, causing necrosis. To prevent this occurring, such as in cases of overdose, N-acetylcysteine can be given (Routledge et al., 1998), which is required for glutathione synthesis and helps to boost it. This allows a greater amount of the toxic metabolite to be mopped up and reduces cell damage. Paracetamol metabolism following hepatotoxicity Table 3: Plasma paracetamol concentrations (ug/cm3) PatientsPlasma paracetamol4 hrs after12hrs after Half life (h)ingestioningestion _______________________________________________________________ no liver damage (18)2.9 +/= 0.3163 +/=20 29.5 +/=6 liver damage (23) 7.2+/= 0.7296 +/= 26 124 +/=22___ Table 3 shows that, in a study, the ability of patients with liver damage to eliminate paracetamol from the blood is much decreased, compared to healthy people. This is seen by the prolonged half-life and the high levels of paracetamol in the plasma. The plasma level does come down by 12 hrs, which indicates that there is enough functional liver reserve to metabolise some of the drug, but the level is still very high. To ascertain whether it is just conjugation that is affected, or whether all the pathways are affected equally it would be necessary to quantify the levels of different metabolites in the blood and urine. As conjugation is responsible for the majority of metabolism, damage to all systems will still show up as affecting conjugation the most. In theory reduced clearance of a substance is useful for monitoring the severity of liver damage, but in the case of paracetamol it would be unwise as it could potentiate the hepatotoxic effects and worsen the liver condition. It is also unnecessary as there are already a number of reliable blood tests for liver function and damage. REFERENCES Andrews, R. S., Bond, C. C., Burnett, J., Saunders, A. Watson, K. 1976 Isolation and identification of paracetamol metabolites. J Int Med Res 4, 34-9. Boutaud, O., Aronoff, D. M., Richardson, J. H., Marnett, L. J. Oates, J. A. 2002 Determinants of the cellular specificity of acetaminophen as an inhibitor of prostaglandin H(2) synthases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99, 7130-5. Graham, G. G. Scott, K. F. 2005 Mechanism of action of paracetamol. Am J Ther 12, 46-55. Morris, M. E. Levy, G. 1984 Renal clearance and serum protein binding of acetaminophen and its major conjugates in humans. J Pharm Sci 73, 1038-41. Patel, M., Tang, B. K. Kalow, W. 1992 Variability of acetaminophen metabolism in Caucasians and Orientals. Pharmacogenetics 2, 38-45. Rang, H. P., Dale, M.M., Ritter, J.M. 1995 Pharmacology: Churchill Livingstone. Riordan, S. M. Williams, R. 2002 Alcohol exposure and paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity. Addict Biol 7, 191-206. Routledge, P., Vale, J. A., Bateman, D. N., Johnston, G. D., Jones, A., Judd, A., Thomas, S., Volans, G., Prescott, L. F. Proudfoot, A. 1998 Paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning. No need to change current guidelines to accident departments. Bmj 317, 1609-10. Steventon, G. B., Mitchell, S. C. Waring, R. H. 1996 Human metabolism of paracetamol (acetaminophen) at different dose levels. Drug Metabol Drug Interact 13, 111-7. Swierkosz, T. A., Jordan, L., McBride, M., McGough, K., Devlin, J. Botting, R. M. 2002 Actions of paracetamol on cyclooxygenases in tissue and cell homogenates of mouse and rabbit. Med Sci Monit 8, BR496-503. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracetamol.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The United States Must Abandon Nuclear Power Essay -- Argumentative Pe

The United States Must Abandon Nuclear Power The United States must re-examine many policies previously accepted as reasonable, especially its own national energy policy. As the largest overall and per capita energy consumer in the world, the U.S. needs to decide upon a reasonable source of energy for the foreseeable future, especially since its energy needs will increase dramatically during that time. With political instability likely to remain the norm in the Middle East, oil continues to be an energy source of questionable reliability; in addition, current estimates of worldwide reserves suggest we may in fact run out of oil entirely in the next fifty years. Natural gas reserves are in fairly short supply too, and costs limit its uses as well. Another major alternative, coal, has become the nation’s leading energy source (providing more than 55% of the country’s electricity), and projected supplies could last for hundreds of years (Sweet 49). However, the tremendous output by coal-fired plants of CO2—the major â€Å"greenhouse† gas—along with other atmospheric pollutants makes it equally as undesirable as oil. The final major source of energy on which the U.S. currently depends is nuclear power, and many (including the author of a Time magazine article in the April 29, 1991 issue) see it as a viable alternative, provided solutions are found to a few â€Å"minor† difficulties. Once the facts are known, though, it becomes clear that nuclear power (both fission and fusion) is not the answer to our current U. S. energy dilemma, primarily because it presents great risks and creates tremendous pollution hazards, and, further, because it also will continue to support the status quo of huge multi-national corporations dominating e... ...Dangers of Nuclear Power. London: New English Library, 1986. Croall, Stephen. Nuclear Power for Beginners. New York: Pantheon Books, 1983. Curtis, Richard, and Elizabeth Hogan with Shel Horowitz. Nuclear Lessons: An Examination of Nuclear Power’s Safety, Economic and Political Record. Harrisburg: Stackpole Books, 1980. Faulkner, Peter, ed. The Silent Bomb. New York: Random House, 1977. Greenwald, John. â€Å"Time to Choose,† Time 29 April 1991: 54-62. Shrader-Frechette, K. S. Nuclear Power and Public Policy: The Social and Ethical Problems of Fission Technology. Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1980. Stoler, Peter. Decline and Fail: The Ailing Nuclear Power Industry. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company,1985. Sweet, William. The Nuclear Age: Atomic Energy, Proliferation and the Arms Race. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., 1988.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Acting Against Personal Belief to Comply With Other’s Expectations Essay

It is impossible to find a situation in which the individual is not faced with having to act according to the expectations of others. Children react to the expectations of their parents, students must respond to the expectations of fellow students and teachers, employees are guided by the expectations of the employer, and coming full circle, parents feel the expectations of their children. The individual’s moral response to acting in accordance with other’s expectations is very situational. In some circumstances the response is minor. An adolescent may firmly believe good grades are pointless, yet comply with the expectations of parents and teachers. In some cases the response may be much greater. An otherwise honest college student may feel a great deal of remorse when he or she gives in to the demands of a â€Å"significant other† or fraternity to â€Å"share† answers on a take-home exam. The worst-case scenario is the life or death situation. A true pacifist draftee must make the decision to kill someone as the expectations of his fellow soldiers are to obviously protect them from injury or death. Fortunately I have not had to face this sort of dire quandary. The qualifying question is whether the expectation of others goes to what they think is best for me or what is best for the group. Presuming that others honestly have my best interest in mind, I would certainly give weight to their thoughts. This is particularly important when their wisdom and knowledge of a situation is greater than mine. My â€Å"moral compass† has developed from the examples of my family and greater environment, and I alone will have the satisfaction or shame in either living up to or abandoning my beliefs. This was not always easy. I remember breaking a neighbor’s garage window playing ball. I could have run with the other kids, but I told him what had happened because I knew from my parents that it was the right thing to do, an ideal to live up to, and short of endangering the lives of others, I would never give up my ideals. The idea of giving up my ideals is repugnant. I live by my principals and I respect others ideals and principals. Similarly I cannot force my beliefs on anyone, although someone may learn from my example as I have learned from others. I do not believe in bending my ideals to make others happy, besides I could not live with my conscience knowing that I gave up what I believe in to make someone else or an institution happy. Honesty and morality is really all one has; once one compromises up their beliefs and ideals, one loses his sense of self. Perfection is something few, if any of us will ever achieve. At some point in our lives we may succumb to temptation or other factors and temporarily place our sense of morality â€Å"on the shelf†. For instance I may firmly believe in doing the best job possible yet be forced to cut corners by an employer who is under pressure to make a production deadline. I do not have the luxury of quitting and finding another job, and in truth my work is of adequate quality as opposed to the excellent quality I want to produce. My work output will affect the entire company. If I hold up production to meet what I believe is a â€Å"better† standard of quality other workers will suffer the consequences of my decision and make less money because of the slowdown. Similarly, I may have family and teachers who expect me to maintain an excellent GPA. Instead, I find it more important to work to defray the costs of tuition and thus have time to only produce a â€Å"C+† average. In this situation I am the only one affected by my decision. Ethical decisions are not made in a vacuum. In the first example I may have â€Å"compromised† my strong belief in producing quality, and act according to others’ expectations but I can live with it because my actions affect others and my compromise did no harm. In the second situation I cannot live to others expectations particularly when my actions have no effect on them. In either situation the beliefs may differ; what will be important will be my response. Ultimately I must make my decisions based on the effect upon my sense of self as well as what I believe to be the common welfare.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Domestication of Maize in America

The Domestication of Maize in America Maize (Zea mays) is a plant of enormous modern-day economic importance as foodstuff and alternative energy source. Scholars agree that maize was domesticated from the plant teosinte (Zea mays spp. parviglumis) in central America at least as early 9,000 years ago. In the Americas, maize is called corn, somewhat confusingly for the rest of the English-speaking world, where corn refers to the seeds of any grain, including barley, wheat or rye. The process of maize domestication radically changed it from its origins. The seeds of wild teosinte are encased in hard shells and arranged on a spike with five to seven rows, a spike that shatters when the grain is ripe to disperse its seed. Modern maize has hundreds of exposed kernels attached to a cob which is completely covered by husks and so cannot reproduce on its own. The morphological change is among the most divergent of speciation known on the planet, and it is only recent genetic studies that have proven the connection. The earliest undisputed domesticated maize cobs are from Guila Naquitz cave in Guerrero, Mexico, dated about 4280-4210 cal BC. The earliest starch grains from domesticated maize have been found in the Xihuatoxtla Shelter, in the Rio Balsas valley of Guerrero, dated to ~9,000 cal BP. Theories of Maize Domestication Scientists have put forward two main theories about the rise of maize. The teosinte model argues that maize is a genetic mutation direct from teosinte in the lowlands of Guatemala. The hybrid origin model states that maize originated in the Mexican highlands as a hybrid of diploid perennial teosinte and early-stage domesticated maize. Eubanks has suggested a parallel development within the Mesoamerican interaction sphere between lowland and highland. Recently starch grain evidence has been discovered in Panama suggesting the use of maize there by 7800-7000 cal BP, and the discovery of wild teosinte growing in the Balsas river region of Mexico has lent support to that model. The Xihuatoxtla rockshelter in the Balsas river region reported in 2009 was discovered to contain domesticated maize starch granules in occupation levels dated to the Paleoindian period, more than 8990 cal BP. That suggests that maize may have been domesticated by hunter-gatherers thousands of years before it became a staple of peoples diets. The Spread of Maize Eventually, maize spread out from Mexico, probably by the diffusion of seeds along trade networks rather than migration of people. It was used in the southwestern United States by about 3,200 years ago, and in the eastern United States beginning about 2,100 years ago. By 700 AD, maize was well established up into the Canadian shield. DNA studies suggest that purposeful selection for various traits continued throughout this period, leading to the wide variety of species today. For example, 35 different races of maize have been identified in pre-Columbian Peru, including popcorns, flint varieties, and varieties for specific uses, such as chicha beer, textile dyes, and flour. Agricultural Traditions As maize was spread outside of its roots in central America, it became part of already existing agricultural traditions, such as the Eastern Agricultural complex, which included pumpkin (Cucurbita sp), chenopodium and sunflower (Helianthus). The earliest direct-dated maize in the northeast is the 399–208 cal BC, in the Finger Lakes region of New York, at the Vinette site. Other early appearances are Meadowcroft Rockshelter Archaeological Sites Important to Maize Archaeological sites of importance to the discussion of maize domestication include Central America:  Ã‚  Xihuatoxtla Shelter  (Guerrero, Mexico), Guila Naquitz (Oaxaca, Mexico) and  Coxcatlan Cave  (Tehuacan, Mexico)Southwest USA:  Bat Cave  (New Mexico),  Gatecliff Shelter  (Nevada)Midwest USA: Newt Kash Hollow (Tennesee)Northeast USA: Vinette (New York), Schultz (Michigan), Meadowcroft (Pennsylvania) Some Recent Maize Studies This glossary entry is a part of the About.com Guide to  Plant  Domestications,  and part of the  Dictionary of Archaeology. Carpenter Slavens J, and Snchez G. 2013.  Los cambios ambientales del Holoceno Medio/ Holoceno Tardà ­o en el desierto de Sonora y sus implicaciones en la diversificacià ³n del Yuto-aztecano y la difusià ³n del maà ­z.  Dilogo Andino  41:199-210. Ellwood EC, Scott MP, Lipe WD, Matson RG, and Jones JG. 2013.  Stone-boiling maize with limestone: experimental results and implications for nutrition among SE Utah preceramic groups.  Journal of Archaeological Science  40(1):35-44. Freeman, Jacob. Crop Specialization, Exchange and Robustness in a Semi-arid Environment. Human Ecology, John M. Anderies, Andrea Torvinen, et al., Volume 42, Issue 2, SpringerLink, January 29, 2014. Gil AF, Villalba R, Ugan A, Cortegoso V, Neme G, Michieli CT, Novellino P, and Durn V. 2014.  Isotopic evidence on human bone for declining maize consumption during the little ice age in central western Argentina. Journal of Archaeological Science 49(0):213-227. Grimstead DN, Buck SM, Vierra BJ, and Benson LV. 2015.  Another possible source of archeological maize found in Chaco Canyon, NM: The Tohatchi Flats area, NM, USA.  Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports  3:181-187. Haas J, Creamer W, Huamn Mesà ­a L, Goldstein D, Reinhard KJ, and Vergel Rodrà ­guez C. 2013.  Evidence for maize (Zea mays) in the Late Archaic (3000-1800 B.C.) in the Norte Chico region of Peru.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  110(13):4945-4949. Hart JP, and Lovis WA. 2013. Reevaluating What We Know About the Histories of Maize in Northeastern North America: A Review of Current Evidence. Journal of Archaeological Research  21(2):175-216 Killion TW. 2013.  Nonagricultural cultivation and social complexity.  Current Anthropology  54(5):596-606. Matsuda, Masahiko. Upland Farming Systems Coping with Uncertain Rainfall in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar: How Stable is Indigenous Multiple Cropping Under Semi-Arid Conditions? Human Ecology 41, ResearchGate, December 2013. Reed PF, and Geib PR. 2013.  Sedentism, Social Change, Warfare, and the Bow in the Ancient Pueblo Southwest.  Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews  22(3):103-110. Snchez-Pà ©rez S, Solleiro-Rebolledo E, Sedov S, de Tapia EM, Golyeva A, Prado B, and Ibarra-Morales E. 2013.  The Black San Pablo Paleosol of the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico: Pedogenesis, Fertility, and Use in Ancient Agricultural and Urban Systems.  Geoarchaeology  28(3):249-267. Shillito, Lisa-Marie. Grains of truth or transparent blindfolds? A review of current debates in archaeological phytolith analysis. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Volume 22, Issue 1, SpringerLink, January 2013. Thompson V, Gremillion K, and Pluckhahn T. 2013.  Challenging the Evidence for Prehistoric Wetland Maize Agriculture at Fort Center, Florida.  American Antiquity  78(1):181-193. VanDerwarker A, Marcoux J, and Hollenbach K. 2013.  Farming and Foraging at the Crossroads: The Consequences of Cherokee and European Interaction Through the Late Eighteenth Century.  American Antiquity  78(1):68-88. Warinner C, Garcia NR, and Tuross N. 2013.  Maize, beans and the floral isotopic diversity of highland Oaxaca, Mexico.  Journal of Archaeological Science  40(2):868-873.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Literature Review of Emotional Intelligence in Managers Essays

Literature Review of Emotional Intelligence in Managers Essays Literature Review of Emotional Intelligence in Managers Essay Literature Review of Emotional Intelligence in Managers Essay The authors of the two journals review and provide valuable information on the work, life and emotional management of managers and leaders and how it is being intertwined with and embedded in the managing processes, implications on the employees? moods and emotions. The keyword in the two papers is emotional intelligence. However, it is arguable that they focused heavily on the aspects of emotional intelligence and leadership, and ignored other psychological forces that influence an individual. The research will be analysed closely by reviewing their arguments and findings. Humphrey et al. , (2008) research agrees on the use of emotional intelligence and emotional labour by leaders, how leaders? emotions influences the moods and emotions of their employees. The paper develops 15 propositions that provide an insight on how leaders perform emotional labour, leading with deep acting and surface acting. They concluded that success is obtained through leading with emotional labour, though sometimes costly especially for those engaged in surface acting. Trainings for leaders and managers on how to express their emotions effectively may help make the workplace more productive and enjoyable for both leaders and followers. Brotheridge and Lee, 2008 research provides an insight on the impact the expressed emotions of managers have on their work units „emotional climate, their employees? motions and the organization? s emotional health and overall success. The authors agree that at the heart of all working relationships are emotions (Burkitt, 1997, 2002; De Rivera and Grinkis, 1995); thus, emotions are the substance of managerial work and argues that leaders need to be knowledgeable on both emotional and social control and expectations that arise from gender roles. They concluded emotions are essential for managerial work and managers are expected to manage their emotions and their e mployees?. These two journals are almost completely similar as the authors review and argue on about the same issue – management with emotions, use of emotional intelligence. Brotheridge and Lee, (2008) argue that emotions and emotional skills are essential for day to day managerial work and leaders should learn to express their emotions more as that will result in more benefits for them instead of conducting business in a non-emotional â€Å"business-like manner†. Brotheridge and Lee, (2008) agree with Humphrey et al. , (2008) that managers must attend to their wn emotions and express them appropriately or experience declines in their personal emotional health. The influence the moods and emotions displayed by managers have on their subordinates? feelings, moods and emotion as well was highly emphasized in the two papers. The authors both agree that to a large extent, for a successful result, managers may need to engage in emotional labour. Managers may have to display a wide var iety of emotions and will require judgement about which emotion to display at a particular time depending on the situation which arises. Brotheridge and Lee, (2008) agrees with Humphrey et al. (2008) argument that managers who engage in deep acting (i. e. attempt to feel the emotions that they are expressing) are more likely to transmit their emotions to their employees than managers who are engaging in surface acting or are not regulating their emotional expression. Humphrey et al. , (2008) and Brotheridge and Lee, (2008) argue that leaders must be emotionally intelligent to be effective. As stated by Humphrey et al. 2008 proposition 10: Leaders high on emotional intelligence will be better at recognizing when situational demands call for performing emotional labour (2008: 161). But again, looking at the concept of leadership and management, the similarities and differences, it can be argued that leadership and management are two different, thus, leadership does not require emotional intelligence and it is best used for management. Arguably, we can say that even though managers and leaders are expected to lead with e motions, different people carry with them different personalities. If not properly trained on how to manage emotions and when to use, a manager may get carried away on when to use his/ her emotions and could be seen as a weakling. The employees working with these managers also have a role to play. A manager can only get a successful result, when he gets around studying and understanding the personalities of the employees under him to avoid a clash of personality. Also, pressure from the higher level management and home affairs can affect managers and leaders and may be displayed in their attitude to work. Humphrey et al. (2008) and Brotheridge and Lee, (2008) agree that managers would require to perform emotional labour. However, it can be argued that emotional labour increases emotional stress and causes emotional exhaustion which could result in reduced levels of employees? job dissatisfaction (Brotheridge and Grandey, 2002). Furthermore, cultures vary in their expectations for regulating and expressing emotions in the workplace (Cooper, Doucet am p; Pratt, 2003). In conclusion, Humphrey et al. , (2008) and Brotheridge and Lee, (2008) arguments were very valid and provided a valuable knowledge. Management and leadership though could be different, but are two complimentary systems of action and both require use of emotional intelligence to operate successfully. Employees? feelings and emotions are influenced through emotional contagion. Managers need to manage their personal emotions so that they are expressing positive emotions and not result in a decline in their emotional health. They must be attentive to their emotional reactions when making decisions, and the effect of their emotions on the quality of these decisions (Kida et al. 2001; Lurie, 2004). I believe gender has no factor in excelling in emotional management. I agree with Humphrey et al. , (2008) instead of telling managers and other leaders not to express their emotions, training on how to express their emotions effectively should be taken into consideration. This may help them use either deep acting or genuine emotional expressions and avoid the harmful psychological effects that accompany surface acting.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Digital Technology Plays a Key Role in Education Essay

Digital Technology Plays a Key Role in Education - Essay Example From this essay it is clear that  the use of digital technology in education is not a new trend, but is one that has prevailed for centuries. Much of the development in the fields of science and technology can be attributed to the use of digital technology in education. Calculators have been used in educational institutions ranging from primary, through the high school, secondary school, college, and university level for many decades. Modern calculators come with a variety of functions that can help the mathematicians and scientists perform complex calculations in the blink of an eye. As technology has progressed over the years, it is seen that the implementation of many digital appliances has come into play for the educational systems. Previously it was believed that learning was a passive process, which could only be achieved if the learner was able to transmit his knowledge swiftly.  As the report discusses  the use of digital technology is not limited to create interest amo ngst the learners but it is also being effectively used so that the learners can benefit from these resources. It has been found that mathematics is a subject that requires several aspects of the brain to function simultaneously.  The use of hand-held devices and personal computers can give an idea to the students regarding the complexities of the subject. In other words, technology is a way through which knowledge can be transferred easily and efficiently.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Dimensions of Interprofessional in Nursing Practice Essay

The Dimensions of Interprofessional in Nursing Practice - Essay Example The collaborative process has also been defined as a dynamic process which requires that professional boundaries be surpassed if each participant is to contribute to developments in patient care while appropriately bearing in mind the qualities and skills of the other professionals (Canadian Physiotherapy Association 2009). However, nurses have long held the view that failure to implement inter-professional has led to the fragmentation of care, patient dissatisfaction and poor outcomes (Leathard, 2004). Therefore, there is a need for inter-professional working in nursing practice to deliver integrated quality healthcare services, improve patient satisfaction, and save more lives. Inter-professional working in nursing practice refers to the collaboration of the healthcare team to ensure the delivery of high quality patient care services. It was acknowledged by the General Medical Council that healthcare is increasingly provided by multidisciplinary team and this collaboration brings m ore improvement to patient care (WHO, 1999). The present reflective commentary is based on a HIV positive patient who was admitted to my ward via A&E. Using this patient; I will analyze and evaluate the contribution of nursing and other members within the inter-professional collaboration process. Gibbs reflective cycle will be used to reflect my experiences of working in an inter-professional team. The cycle will help me identify the decision making and problem solving processes and discuss the effectiveness of the contribution of each member in the inter-professional practice in the light of existing relevant literature. Description I was performing my duties in the ward on a morning/afternoon shift with my mentor when a 32 years old, Vietnamese female immigrant, named Mrs. Yiu Suh was wheeled in from A&E. Mrs. Yiu Suh is a pseudonym for the patient in accordance with the 2008 Professional Code of Conduct on confidentiality promulgated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2008 ) which states that all names and identifying trace to the patient must be changed. Therefore, any resemblance to a ward, person, relative or trust is purely coincidental. In order to gain Mrs. Yiu Suh’s complete medical history, an initial admission process was carried out. This was undertaken by reviewing the patient’s medical notes which revealed that the patient had diarrhoea and a mouth thrush that failed to heal despite trying several home remedies. The report also provided information which suggested that the patient had not been eating well due to her mouth condition and had lost a lot of weight within a very short period of time. Three weeks prior to her admission to the ward, the patient visited her General Physician (GP) in the community for the same complaints. Her GP treated her and advised her to visit again in case there was no improvement. Mrs. Yiu Suh refused to visit her GP again as she was given leaflets on HIV and was recommended an HIV test, which she ignored. Later on the patient confessed to me that she feared the worst because she had been a commercial sex worker. It was during the course of her sex trade that she met her husband, Mr. Charles Robbins, who brought her

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Law of Electronic Commerce and the Internet Essay - 1

Law of Electronic Commerce and the Internet - Essay Example The taxation, customs, trade practices, industrial law, bankruptcy, immigration, administration law, patents, copyright, environment law, sexual and racial discrimination, access to information will be dealt by Federal court of Australia. Federal court will hear the class actions that involve seven or more people who have claims against the one defendant. The family court will deal with family laws. It deals with divorce, division of property and maintenance, child related matters, determining parenting orders and plans. The court to appeal on the decision of family court is high court. The magistrates court of the federal legal system deals with providing the action for litigants and eases the work load of the federal and family court. Thus it works as a complex lessening part in the federal judicial system as the jurisdiction is concurrent with family and federal court. 1 The state legal system's first stage is the magistrate court. The state coroner's office, victims of crimes assistance tribunal, work related injuries and perin courts are part of this system. The majority of the criminal and civil matters that proceed to court will be dealt by magistrate court. The offences of less serious in nature will be dealt by this court system. It is having civil jurisdiction and is the immediate court that can be approached in any case. The next stage in the state legal system is the county court of Victoria. It has both criminal and civil jurisdiction in concurrent with Supreme Court. The person who is not in agreement with the magistrate's court can appeal to county court and the appeal court for this is supreme court of the state. The supreme court of any state will have trial and appeals division that deals with the differentiation of the disputes and appeals. The appeal court for this part of the court system in the state legal system is high court of the country. The high court is the top of the legal hierarchy in Australia. As a result it has both criminal and civil jurisdiction and is the ultimate court to appeal. It can resolve the interstate disputes and thus the federal system prevails over the state legal system. References 1. law institute Victoria, 2007, Australia legal system, Law Institute Victoria, ,electronic, 3-9-07, http://www.liv.asn.au/public/legalinfo/court/ 2. Law institute Victoria, 2007, Australia legal system, law institute Victoria, ,electronic, 3-9-07, http://www.liv.asn.au/public/legalinfo/court/court-The-2.html Question 2 Jurisdiction is the power of the court or the right of the administration that can apply their laws on a particular context or issue. In the absence of internet and e commerce, the Jurisdiction used to depend on the geographical context of the occurrence of the incident. The advent of internet is making the concept of jurisdiction more complex and the administrations are compelled to make new laws regarding jurisdiction in the issues involving internet. In relation to internet there are contexts that raised the question of the authority of the courts in various places. As the electronic communication involves the border crossing the internet is borderless. This needs a definition of jurisdiction of its own without relating to the previous understanding of jurisdiction. The law used to deal with the physical movement or presence that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Macbeth - How Shakespeare presents the characters in Act 3 Scene 1 Essay Example for Free

Macbeth How Shakespeare presents the characters in Act 3 Scene 1 Essay How do their words thoughts and actions make the scene such a dramatic and important scene in the play? In the majority of Shakespeares compositions, Act 3 usually consists, in terms of context, the most important scenes in the play. Macbeth is no different; Act 3 and in particular Act 3 Scene 1 is the point in the play where events are rapidly building to a dramatic and tragic climax. In the previous scenes the audience witnessed the violent assassination of the much loved King Duncan by Macbeth followed by the (said / mentioned) murderers inevitable election as king. In a historical context, the general public at the time of the productions release would have understood the significance and seriousness of Macbeths actions more so than modern day audiences. Regicide was not only seen as an evil act against king and country but also against God. The Divine Right of Kings was widely believed; which stated every monarch is selected by God and has sole right to the throne (usurper). More notably, genuine threats such as the Gunpowder Plot against the ruler at the time, King James I, made the murder of King Duncan not only more believable but something audiences could actually relate to. Act 3 Scene 1 commences with a condemning soliloquy by Banquo. He shares with the audience his strong accusations regarding the manner in which Macbeth has become King Speaking dangerously of deceit and treason, Thou playedst most foully fort, Shakespeare cleverly aligns Banquo with the audience and in doing so emphasizes the shocking nature of King Duncans murder. In the soliloquy there is also a reference to the witches predictions for Banquos descendants, myself should be the root and father of many kings. This line would have been of great interest to King James I as it suggests he is a descendant of Banquo. Some critics argue that Shakespeare wrote Macbeth to flatter the new king. The direct relation between Banquo and King James is hinted a few times during the play. Add this to the fact Shakespeare altered Holinsheds version of events that were written years earlier then you could be mistaken for agreeing with the critics. Shakespeare made Macbeth solely responsible for Duncans murder when actually Banquo was an accomplice to the murder. Proud to be in their new role, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth greet Banquo very majestically, heres our chief guest. Shrewdly, they attempt to make Banquo feel important and well appreciated, If he had been forgotten, it had been a big gap in our great feast. However this was all a big act, as the audience was about to find out. I imagine in this part of the scene Lady Macbeths introduction would have been very grand and regal as if she loved her new role. After all, she had finally achieved what she and her husband had always dreamt of, My dearest partner of greatness. Shakespeare makes it clear that Macbeth is now king by altering slightly the way in which Macbeth behaves and addresses others. He exposes a kinder, more inviting aspect to his personality by hosting a feast, Tonight we hold a great feast and Ill request your presence. The verb request is significant because it implies the invitational is optional, however I dont believe anyone would turn down an offer from the King as there may be serious consequences. Macbeth continues to take great interest in Macbeths proposed journey which causes the audience to suspect that Banquo might be in danger. Arguably for the very first time in the play, we witness the devious and crafty personality of Macbeth. Shakespeare uses a combination of irony and flattery in his writing to hide the fact Macbeth is actually intensively interrogating Banquo, fail not our feast and Ride you this afternoon are two examples of this. The quote fail not our feast is ironic because the audience have been discretely made aware that Macbeth intends to have Banquo murdered whilst he is out riding and will therefore not return for the feast. After dismissing Banquo, Macbeth makes a rather bold and surprising decision to do the same with his wife, Till supper time alone, while then God be with you. I believe this to be the point in the play where the tide turns. Up until now, it has been Macbeth who has relied heavily on his wife. He consulted everything with her. However, now that he finally has the crown upon his head, I think he feels that she has nothing left to offer. Personally this is pure ignorance on Macbeths part and sense this might be a catalyst for his downfall -Macbeths hamartia. A hamartia is basically an error in judgement, a cause of a tragic heros (in this case Macbeth) misfortune. Lady Macbeth aids his downfall, as she has pushed him to become so ambitious and arrogant that he feels he will be more successful without her. However, Macbeth has other hamartias which are explored further on. If I was directing this scene, I would strive to get the key point across. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have just been crowned king and Queen of their beloved nation. The honeymoon period has just begun and they both absolutely adore their new roles, Thou hast it now King, Cawdor, Glamis, all. Therefore, I would endeavour to make sure this comes across to the audience by ensuring the actors were dressed accordingly; royal robes and jewellery etc. Also, the actors should portray a relieved and joyful persona to illustrate the fact that Macbeth and his wifes efforts have finally been rewarded. During Macbeths soliloquy in Act 3 Scene 1, Shakespeare reveals the characters true colours. Macbeth explains that despite Banquo being his best friend, he understands that Banquo must be murdered in order for him to remain in power; to be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus. This extract would confirm the audiences earlier thoughts and feelings about Macbeths intentions with Banquo. It also proves that the compassion and sincerity he showed towards Banquo in their last conversation was just an act. Shakespeare compares Macbeths feelings about Banquo to an actual event in the past, as it is said Mark Antonys was by Caesar. Macbeth acknowledges Banquos integrity but cannot help feeling that perhaps he is the Achilles heel to making him last upon the throne. Just as in Ancient Rome, Mark Antony was said to be in fear of Octavius Caesar. Throughout the soliloquy you get the sense that Macbeth has constant mood swings. His feelings vary rapidly, from fear of Banquo at the beginning; our fears in Banquo stick deep. to pure hatred of Banquo at the end, No son of mine succeeding, for Banquos issue have I filed my mind. His change in character is particularly noticeable when compared to Act 2 Scene 1. During this soliloquy, Macbeth has little conviction when contemplating the murder of Duncan whereas now he speaks confidently with passion and conviction. Which is startling seen as he is about to have his closest companion murdered. As the murderers appear on stage, the audience are immediately made aware that Macbeth has already spoken with them Was it not yesterday we spoke together. This extract implies that Macbeth had been planning to kill Banquo for a while. This is arguably the first time we see a ruthless side of Macbeth. It proves to the audience that this murder is not just a spur of the moment thing. Shakespeare includes a range of techniques when Macbeth is trying to persuade the henchmen to murder Banquo. Firstly, Macbeth tries to justify the murder by using reverse psychology on the two men, Know that it is he who held you so under fortune. Here; Macbeth is obviously testing the murderers character and resolve. He needs to know how willing they are, luckily for Macbeth they are prepared to do anything in the needs of king and country, I would set my life on any chance. Secondly, Macbeth questions their courage, to which the murderers respond assertively We are men. One thing I cannot comprehend is why Macbeth is even bothering to persuade them. Surely Macbeth has the right to order anyone about never mind two members of the lower class society. After all he is the King. However, I think this represents a key aspect of Macbeths personality. I think persuading the murderers is his way of persuading him he is doing the right thing. By persuading them, he is at the same time convincing himself that the deed is righteous. This would suggest that Macbeth is not pure evil but instead someone who loves power and is prepared to do anything to remain powerful. Macbeth changes dramatically as a character throughout the play. Initially, Macbeth was tortured with remorse after Duncans murder but upon hearing of Banquos successful assassination he is elated. His vaulting aspiration was driving him to desperate measures and he was unable to impede it. Macbeth had already risked his life to obtain the throne so he had no choice but to employ Machiavellian customs to preserve it. Macbeths vision of Banquo ghost at a royal banquet only steers him closer to insanity. The appearance of Banquos ghost at the royal banquet horrifies Macbeth. Shakespeare brilliantly uses irony to make Banquos emergence very dramatic, Sweet Remembrancer! Upon hearing the witches prophecies, Macbeth is unleashed down a spiral of swift deterioration that causes him to become blinded by desire. It is clear that Macbeths objective was driven by the prophecies made by the three witches; hail to thee Thane of Cawdor that shalt be king hereafter. He was willing to do or pay anything to ensure that they actually occur. At first Macbeth is appalled at the witches proposal of killing Duncan, his King and fellow countryman, but eventually he surrenders to both Lady Macbeth and the evil forces. Lady Macbeth and the witches overwhelm his morals setting off a catalogue of events resulting in Macbeths downfall and second hamartia. The presence of supernatural forces in Shakespeares Macbeth, provides much of the plays dramatic tension and mounting suspense. Several supernatural hallucinations throughout the play profoundly affect Macbeth; culminating with the evil forces overpowering Macbeth and his morals. For example, the prophecies of the three witches and the appearance of Banquos ghost. These two points in the play would have been very significant for the audience at the time. Witches were associated with using uncompromising potions, flying, becoming invisible at will and using disguises for the evil spirits in control of them. In Shakespeares time, a large proportion of people believed in witches. Hundreds of thousands of women were accused of employing the mentioned familiars to cause misfortunes and disasters. As a result, many were either executed or tortured. Even King James I was personally frightened of witches, passing a law that condemned anyone connected with witchcraft. In hindsight, it is now clear that witches were just innocent people used as scapegoats for mistakes made by others. Macbeth is a prime example of Shakespeares use of the tragic pattern. The play begins with the rise and fall of a man of high estate. This is followed by a flaw in character, Duncans trust in Macbeth for example, a gentleman on whom I built absolute trust. Then murder, exile and alienation of enemies and allies; King Duncans Murder, the Princes flee, murder of Banquo and dismissal of Lady Macbeth. All leading to the gradual isolation of the tragic hero, tragic recognition of the flaw by the tragic hero; and now a wood comes toward Dunsinane and eventually the death of the tragic hero. Macbeth is slain by Macduff. Tragic patterns similar to this one are used in every one of Shakespeares renowned tragedies.